De laudibus legum Angliæ / written by Sir John Fortescue... Hereto are added the two Sums of Sir Ralph de Hengham... commonly called Hengham magna, and Hengham parva. With notes both on Fortescue and Hengham, by that famous and learned antiquarie John Selden esq.
KD600 .F6 1672 Tiny
De laudibus legum Angliæ / written by Sir John Fortescue... Hereto are added the two Sums of Sir Ralph de Hengham... commonly called Hengham magna, and Hengham parva. With notes both on Fortescue and Hengham, by that famous and learned antiquarie John Selden esq.
London : Printed by J. Streater, E. Flether and H. Twyford, 1672.
7 pages leaves, 3-132 numbered leaves, 3 leaves, 51 pages 6 leaves, 120 pages, 117-140 pages ; 16 cm
Imperfect: preliminary leaves 1-7 (incl. t.-p) and p. 139-140 lacking, replaced by photostat (positive) reproductions.
Irregularities in paging; leaf 102 numbered 103, no. 107 duplicated, no. 115 omitted, leaf 132 numbered 13.
"De laudibus legum Angliæ" in double columns, with English and Latin opposite columns.
The Sums of Sir Ralph de Hengham are in Latin and have special t.-p. Radulphi de Hengham ... Summæ. Magna Hengham, & Parva, vulgò nuncupatæ, nunc priùm ex vet. Codd. mss. in lucem prodeunt.
Irregularities in paging; leaf 102 numbered 103, no. 107 duplicated, no. 115 omitted, leaf 132 numbered 13.
"De laudibus legum Angliæ" in double columns, with English and Latin opposite columns.
The Sums of Sir Ralph de Hengham are in Latin and have special t.-p. Radulphi de Hengham ... Summæ. Magna Hengham, & Parva, vulgò nuncupatæ, nunc priùm ex vet. Codd. mss. in lucem prodeunt.
Call Number
KD600 .F6 1672 Tiny
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