A compilation of the laws of the State of Georgia, passed by the Legislature since the political year 1800, to the year 1810, inclusive, containing all the laws, whether in force or not, passed within those periods, arranged in a chronological order, with comprehensive references to those laws or parts of laws, that are amended, suspended, or repealed. Together with an appendix, comprising such concurred and approved resolutions, as are of a general operative nature, and as relate to the duty of officers, the relief of individuals, and the settlement of boundary between counties, and of this state with North Carolina. Concluding with a copious index to the whole. / By Augustin Smith Clayton.
KFG30 1810 .A42
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Corporate Author
Uniform Title
Laws, etc. (Compiled statutes : 1810)
A compilation of the laws of the State of Georgia, passed by the Legislature since the political year 1800, to the year 1810, inclusive, containing all the laws, whether in force or not, passed within those periods, arranged in a chronological order, with comprehensive references to those laws or parts of laws, that are amended, suspended, or repealed. Together with an appendix, comprising such concurred and approved resolutions, as are of a general operative nature, and as relate to the duty of officers, the relief of individuals, and the settlement of boundary between counties, and of this state with North Carolina. Concluding with a copious index to the whole. / By Augustin Smith Clayton.
Added Author
Augusta, Adams & Duyckinck, [publisher not identified], 1812.
6 unnumbered 708 20 unnumbered pages ; 27 cm
"The laws of 1810 ... are compiled by Adams and Duyckinck, and form a part of the present volume."
"Treaty at Fort Wilkinson in l802 between the United States and the Creek nation" : p. [701]-704.
"Treaty at Fort Wilkinson in l802 between the United States and the Creek nation" : p. [701]-704.
Call Number
KFG30 1810 .A42
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