Blackstone's Commentaries: with notes of reference, to the Constitution and laws, of the federal government of the United States; and of the commonwealth of Virginia. In five volumes. With an appendix to each volume, containing short tracts upon such subjects as appeared necessary to form a connected view of the laws of Virginia, as a member of the federal union. / By St. George Tucker ..
KD660.B5 T83 1803
Available at Robbins Rare
Blackstone's Commentaries: with notes of reference, to the Constitution and laws, of the federal government of the United States; and of the commonwealth of Virginia. In five volumes. With an appendix to each volume, containing short tracts upon such subjects as appeared necessary to form a connected view of the laws of Virginia, as a member of the federal union. / By St. George Tucker ..
Philadelphia : Published by William Young Birch, and Abraham Small, no. 17, South Second-street, Robert Carr, printer, 1803.
5 volumes : iv tables (3 folded) ; 22 cm
Contains notes by Edward Christian.
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KD660.B5 T83 1803
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