The body of the common law of England: as it stood in force before it was altered by statute, or acts of Parliament, or state. Together with an exact collection of such statutes, as have altered, or do otherwise concern the same. Whereunto is also annexed certain tables containing a summary of the whole law, for the help and delight of such students as affect method. / By Edm. Wingate ..
KD671 .W5 1655
Available at Robbins Rare
The body of the common law of England: as it stood in force before it was altered by statute, or acts of Parliament, or state. Together with an exact collection of such statutes, as have altered, or do otherwise concern the same. Whereunto is also annexed certain tables containing a summary of the whole law, for the help and delight of such students as affect method. / By Edm. Wingate ..
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2d ed. cor. and amended.
London : Printed for H. Twygford and Roger Wingate, 1655.
2 pages leaves, 90 pages, 76 pages, 1 leaf, 41 unnumbered page ; 15 cm
The Summary (1 l., [41] p. at end) has special t.-p: A summary of the common law of England. As it stood in force, before it was altered by statute or acts of Parliament. Extracted (for the most part) out of the French and English copies of Sir Henry Finch, kt. his learned treatise of the law. And digested into certain tablets for the help and delight of such students as affect method. By E. W. ... London, 1655.
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Alternate Title
A summary of the common law of England.
Call Number
KD671 .W5 1655
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