Reports of cases heard and determimed by the Judicial Committee and the Lords of Her Majesty's most honourable Privy Council. By Edmund F. Moore...(New series)...1862/64-[1872/73]..
KD247 1862.M6 A2 (Mapit)
Available at Stacks
Corporate Author
Reports of cases heard and determimed by the Judicial Committee and the Lords of Her Majesty's most honourable Privy Council. By Edmund F. Moore...(New series)...1862/64-[1872/73]..
Added Author
London : V. & R. Stevens, sons, and Haynes, [1864?-73?]
9 volumes ; 24 cm
Vols. 2-9 published by Stevens and sons.
"It is noteworthy that Moore, while serving as Privy Council reporter for the Council of Law Reporting, continued his own private series, and that 1-4 L.R.P.C. are identical, word for word, with Moore, n.s., from vol. 3, p. 347, to the end of vol. 9"--Cf. Soule, Lawyer's ref. manual, 1884.
"It is noteworthy that Moore, while serving as Privy Council reporter for the Council of Law Reporting, continued his own private series, and that 1-4 L.R.P.C. are identical, word for word, with Moore, n.s., from vol. 3, p. 347, to the end of vol. 9"--Cf. Soule, Lawyer's ref. manual, 1884.
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Also available on the World Wide Web.
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Call Number
KD247 1862.M6 A2
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