A complete guide to landlords, tenants, and lodgers, being a methodical arrangement of the whole law, as it now stands, respecting the taking or letting lands, houses, or apartments, givng warning, or notices to quit: ejecting, seizing for rent, repairs, &c. With forms of leases, agreements, assignments, surrenders, notices, receipts for rent, &c. in a great variety of situations, whether as lessor, lessee, or tenant at will, communicated in an easy and familiar manner. Including ample instructions for landlords to conduct themselves legally and securely towards their tenants, and to enable tenants to guard against encroaching landlords. With clear and practical directions for making a distress for rent, &c. With all the new adjudged cases and acts of Parliament, down to December, 1805.
KD354 .M3 (Mapit)
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A complete guide to landlords, tenants, and lodgers, being a methodical arrangement of the whole law, as it now stands, respecting the taking or letting lands, houses, or apartments, givng warning, or notices to quit: ejecting, seizing for rent, repairs, &c. With forms of leases, agreements, assignments, surrenders, notices, receipts for rent, &c. in a great variety of situations, whether as lessor, lessee, or tenant at will, communicated in an easy and familiar manner. Including ample instructions for landlords to conduct themselves legally and securely towards their tenants, and to enable tenants to guard against encroaching landlords. With clear and practical directions for making a distress for rent, &c. With all the new adjudged cases and acts of Parliament, down to December, 1805.
6th ed.
London : Printed by W. Stratford for J. Stratford, 1806.
120 pages ; 22 cm
No. 3 in vol. 2 with binder's title: Law tracts.
Call Number
KD354 .M3
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