The proceedings at the sessions of the peace, and oyer and terminer, for the city of London and county of Middlesex, held at Justice-hall in the Old Bailey, on Friday the 27th of February last, before the Right Honourable Sir Richard Brocas, the Honourable Mr. Justice Price, Mr. Justice Probyn, and Mr. Baron Tomson, upon a bill of indictment found against Francis Charteris, esq: for committing a rape on the body of Anne Bond, of which he was found guilty.
KD372.C43 C43
Available at Robbins Rare
The proceedings at the sessions of the peace, and oyer and terminer, for the city of London and county of Middlesex, held at Justice-hall in the Old Bailey, on Friday the 27th of February last, before the Right Honourable Sir Richard Brocas, the Honourable Mr. Justice Price, Mr. Justice Probyn, and Mr. Baron Tomson, upon a bill of indictment found against Francis Charteris, esq: for committing a rape on the body of Anne Bond, of which he was found guilty.
[London] : Printed for T. Payne, 1730.
17 pages ; 25 cm
Call Number
KD372.C43 C43
Record Appears in