A Booke Of Entries; Containing Perfect and approued Presidents of Counts, Declarations, Informations, Pleints, Inditements, Barres, Replications, Reioynders, Pleadings, Processes, Continuances, Essoines, Issues, Defaults, Departure in despite of the Court, Demurrers, Trialls, Iudgements, Executions, and all other Matters and Proceedings (in effect) concerning the pratique part of the Laws of England, in actions Reall, Personall, and Mixt, and in Appeales; necessarie to be knowne, and of excellent vse for the moderne practise of the Law, many of them contayning matters in Law and points of great learning: And none of them euer imprinted heretofore. Collected and published for the common good and benefit of all the studious and learned professors of the Laws of England.
KD7453 .C65 1614 Folio
Available at Robbins Rare
A Booke Of Entries; Containing Perfect and approued Presidents of Counts, Declarations, Informations, Pleints, Inditements, Barres, Replications, Reioynders, Pleadings, Processes, Continuances, Essoines, Issues, Defaults, Departure in despite of the Court, Demurrers, Trialls, Iudgements, Executions, and all other Matters and Proceedings (in effect) concerning the pratique part of the Laws of England, in actions Reall, Personall, and Mixt, and in Appeales; necessarie to be knowne, and of excellent vse for the moderne practise of the Law, many of them contayning matters in Law and points of great learning: And none of them euer imprinted heretofore. Collected and published for the common good and benefit of all the studious and learned professors of the Laws of England.
London : Printed for the Societie of Stationers, 1614.
9 pages leaves, 713 numbered leaves, 17 unnumbered pages ; 33 cm
Irregularities in paging.
Head and tail pieces; printer's ornaments.
Preface signed: Edvv. Coke.
Prefaces in Latin and English text in Latin; index in French.
Head and tail pieces; printer's ornaments.
Preface signed: Edvv. Coke.
Prefaces in Latin and English text in Latin; index in French.
Call Number
KD7453 .C65 1614 Folio
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