Reports of cases adjudged in the Court of King's bench, since the time of Lord Mansfield's coming to preside in it / by Sir James Burrow. With tables of the names of the cases and of the matter contained in them ... Begining with [Michaelmas term 30 Geo. 2. 1756] and ending with Easter term, 12 Geo. 3. 1772, (Exclusive.)
KD200 1756 .B8 A23
Available at Robbins Rare
Corporate Author
Reports of cases adjudged in the Court of King's bench, since the time of Lord Mansfield's coming to preside in it / by Sir James Burrow. With tables of the names of the cases and of the matter contained in them ... Begining with [Michaelmas term 30 Geo. 2. 1756] and ending with Easter term, 12 Geo. 3. 1772, (Exclusive.)
Dublin : Printed by R. Moncrieffe, 1784-85.
5 volumes ; 22 cm
Paged continuously; v. 1-2 following paging of earlier edition inset in the margin of the text.
Vol. 1, 4th ed.; v. 2, 3d ed.
Vol. 4 dated 1784.
Vol. 1 has special title (and similar added t.-p.): Reports of cases ... since the death of Lord Raymond. In four parts; distributed according to the times of his four successors, Lord Hardwicke, Sir William Lee, Sir Dudley Ryder, and Lord Mansfield ... Part the fourth. Volume the first ..
"The reporter thus took up the last period (Lord Mansfield's) of his intended plan, prolonged it through five volumes, and never went back to the other three." cf. Soule.
Vol. 1, 4th ed.; v. 2, 3d ed.
Vol. 4 dated 1784.
Vol. 1 has special title (and similar added t.-p.): Reports of cases ... since the death of Lord Raymond. In four parts; distributed according to the times of his four successors, Lord Hardwicke, Sir William Lee, Sir Dudley Ryder, and Lord Mansfield ... Part the fourth. Volume the first ..
"The reporter thus took up the last period (Lord Mansfield's) of his intended plan, prolonged it through five volumes, and never went back to the other three." cf. Soule.
Call Number
KD200 1756 .B8 A23
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