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Barcode Status Expected Date Vol. No. Cover Date Location Public Note
nbh061321 Arrived 1983-08-10 1983 1 Stacks Human rights violations in the West Bank ...
nbh061322 Arrived 1983-08-10 1983 2 Stacks Documents on the Falklands/Malvinas crisis
nbh061323 Arrived 1983-08-10 1983 3 Stacks Human rights on the Ecumenical agenda
nbh061324 Arrived 1984-06-13 1983 4 Stacks International Affairs at the 6th Assembly World Council . .
nbh061325 Arrived 1984-06-13 1983 5 Stacks Marshall Islands: 37 years after.
nbh061326 Arrived 1984-06-28 1984 1 Stacks Armenia: the continuing tragedy.
nbh061327 Arrived 1984-12-12 1984 2 Stacks New Caledonia towards kanak independence.
nbh061328 Arrived 1985-08-26 1985 1 Stacks Peace and Justice in North East Asia.
nbh061329 Arrived 1986-04-24 1986 1 Stacks Philoppines: Testimonies on Human Rights Violations.
nbh061330 Arrived 1986-07-09 1986 2 Stacks Militarization in the Information Age.
nbh061331 Arrived 1988-02-10 1987 1 Stacks Religious Liberty.
nbh061332 Arrived 1989-01-12 1988 1 Stacks Perestroika, some preliminary comments
nbh061333 Arrived 1990-08-09 1990 1 Stacks Peace and the Reunification of Korea
nbh061334 Arrived 1990-12-07 1990 2 Stacks Disarmament prospects and problems
nbh061335 Arrived 1991-09-23 1991 1 1991 Stacks Gulf War
nbh061336 Arrived 1992-07-31 1992 1 1992 Stacks The Pacific Region in the 1990's.
nbh061337 Arrived 1992-12-21 1992 2 1992 Stacks Europe '92: Promise and Challenge
nbh061338 Arrived 1993-11-04 1993 1 Stacks The arms trade today, arms transfers and proliferation: CCIA
nbh061339 Arrived 1994-03-21 1994 1 Stacks Tragedy of Bosnia: Confronting the new world disorder.
nbh061340 Arrived 1995-05-31 1995 1 Stacks East Timor
nbh061341 Expected 2016-4-7 Stacks
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