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Barcode Status Expected Date Vol. No. Cover Date Location Public Note
nbh064564 Missing 1986-02-11 1 Stacks The integration of Europe and the aims of NATO.
nbh064565 Missing 1986-02-11 2 Stacks The law of the United Nations.
nbh064566 Missing 1986-02-11 3 Stacks La repression de la capture illicite d'aeronefs.
nbh064567 Arrived 1982-05-28 4 Stacks Modern problems of international law and the philosophy ...
nbh064568 Missing 1986-02-11 5 Stacks Fundamental problems of international law and the philosophy
nbh064569 Missing 1986-02-11 6 Stacks International law and world politics.
nbh064570 Arrived 1981-04-30 7 Stacks The law of the sea.
nbh064571 Arrived 1983-08-11 8 Stacks The law of the European Communities and Greece.
nbh064572 Missing 1986-02-11 9 Stacks The peace movement and humanitarian law
nbh064573 Arrived 1983-04-29 10 Stacks Air and outer space law.
nbh064574 Arrived 1985-02-08 11 Stacks The international protection of the environment on ...
nbh064575 Arrived 1986-02-11 12 Stacks North-South dialogue : a new international economic order.
nbh064576 Arrived 1988-03-01 13 Stacks The Refugee Problem on Universal, Regional and National . .
nbh064577 Arrived 1986-04-23 14 Stacks National and International Boundaries.
nbh064578 Arrived 1988-01-22 15 Stacks Communcations.
nbh064579 Arrived 1993-01-07 16 1990 Stacks Evolution of INternational Law since foundation of UN..H.R.
nbh064580 Arrived 1993-01-07 17 1991 Stacks Law of the Sea with emphasis on the mediterranean issues.
nbh064581 Arrived 1993-01-07 18 1991 Stacks Pacific Settlement of disputes (diplomatic,judicial,polit'l)
nbh064582 Arrived 1993-04-05 19 1992 Stacks Sources of international law
nbh064583 Arrived 1994-05-12 20 1993 Stacks Responsibility of states.
nbh064584 Arrived 1995-03-07 21 1994 Stacks East-West relations (legal, economic, political etc...
nbh064585 Arrived 1998-06-26 22 1997 Stacks The International community & the E.C. in view of the...
nbh064586 Arrived 1998-10-22 23 1998 Stacks United Nations decade of international law
nbh064587 Arrived 2001-03-15 24 2000 Stacks Peace & Human rights
nbh064588 Arrived 2004-06-28 25 2001 Stacks Universalism and Regionalism in the established...
nbh064589 Arrived 1998-03-30 26 1997 Stacks International Justice
nbh064590 Arrived 2001-08-21 27 1998 Stacks International law at the turn of the century
nbh064591 Arrived 2001-08-21 28 Stacks Might & Right in international relations
nbh064592 Arrived 2002-10-28 29 1998 Stacks Human rights & Democracy for the 21st century
nbh064593 Expected 2016-4-7 30 Stacks
nbh064594 Arrived 2003-05-14 31 2002 Stacks Protection of the environment for the new millennium
nbh064595 Arrived 2004-05-11 32 2003 Stacks The new international criminal law
nbh064596 Arrived 2010-07-22 33 Stacks International challenges to peace and security in the new millennium.
nbh064597 Arrived 2007-04-03 34 Stacks State responsibility and the indivudiual
nbh064598 Arrived 2008-04-14 35 Stacks Multiculturalim and international law
nbh064599 Arrived 2011-07-12 36 Stacks International law enforcement : new tendencies.
nbhe000531 Expected 2015-05-14 37 Stacks claimed
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