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Staff Notes

Routing Information

Serial Items

Barcode Status Expected Date Vol. No. Cover Date Location Public Note
1184948749 Arrived 2024-01-22 144 Stacks Aristotle on truth, dialogue, justice and decision.
2589052371 Arrived 2022-02-07 139 Stacks Commom law-civl law
2693577108 Arrived 2020-01-21 134 Stacks Why criminalize?
3186156929 Arrived 2023-12-19 143 Stacks Beyond legal positivism : the moral authority of law.
3466564381 Arrived 2024-11-13 148 Stacks A general theory of evidence and proof : forming beliefs in truth.
3518251574 Arrived 2018-11-08 123 Stacks The legal order : studies in the foundations of juridical thinking
3590315566 Arrived 2019-08-28 129 Stacks The juridical act : a study...
3864077663 Arrived 2019-11-13 131 Stacks Legal positivism in a global and transnational age
4555053858 Arrived 2024-04-10 145 Stacks Equal access to justice : on the duty to pause, cool down, and listen.
4579164230 Arrived 2024-05-28 146 Stacks Theories of legal obligation.
4598498138 Arrived 2022-04-05 136 Stacks Proportionality balancing and rights
4625894831 Arrived 2019-08-28 128 Stacks Interpretation without truth
4816418280 Expected 2025-12-12 147 Stacks Law, morality and judicial reasoning : essays on W.J. Waluchow's jurisprudence and constitutional theory.
6022797606 Arrived 2023-09-19 141 Stacks Grounding Human Rights in Human Nature.
6117999980 Arrived 2018-10-19 124 Stacks Tolerance experiments with freedom in the Netherlands
6368887274 Arrived 2019-08-28 130 Stacks The normative force of the factual...
6394310277 Arrived 2019-02-15 125 Stacks Russian legal realism
6490085626 Arrived 2019-03-27 126 Stacks Legal conventionalism
6703448969 Expected 2025-06-12 144 Stacks
6900371944 Arrived 2022-02-02 138 Stacks Theory of legal evidence : evidence in legal theory.
7061691859 Arrived 2023-09-05 140 Stacks Legal power and legal competence : meaning, normativity, officials and theories.
7705618001 Expected 2025-12-12 142 Stacks
7895196459 Arrived 2021-02-05 133 Stacks Stewart Macaulay : selected works
8320689453 Arrived 2021-10-27 137 Stacks Conceptual jurisprudence mthodoligical issues,...
8349283509 Arrived 2019-08-28 127 Stacks Implicatures within legal language
8857836076 Arrived 2019-11-27 132 Stacks Reconstructing sovereignty
9577619283 Arrived 2021-02-12 135 Stacks Judges and adjudication in constitutional democracies: a view from legal realism
nbh068221 Arrived 2001-03-19 49 Stacks Facing judicial discretion legal knowledge & right answers..
nbh068222 Arrived 2001-04-19 50 Stacks Comparative legal reasoning & European law
nbh068223 Arrived 2001-08-20 51 Stacks Justifying taxes some elements for a general theory of...
nbh068224 Arrived 2001-10-16 52 Stacks The invisible orgins of legal positivism
nbh068225 Arrived 2001-10-17 53 Stacks Living lawfully love & law in love
nbh068226 Arrived 2002-01-11 54 Stacks Conscience & love in making judicial decisions
nbh068227 Arrived 2002-01-11 55 Stacks Legal Institutions
nbh068228 Arrived 2002-07-08 56 Stacks Mutual expectations a conventionalist theory of law
nbh068229 Arrived 2002-07-26 57 Stacks The Legal essays of michael bayles
nbh068230 Arrived 2003-01-23 58 Stacks Why Grundnorm? A treatise on the implications of Kelsen's
nbh068231 Arrived 2002-11-04 59 Stacks Legal method and the rule of law
nbh068232 Arrived 2002-11-04 60 Stacks The market of virtue morality & commitment in a liberal...
nbh068233 Arrived 2002-09-11 61 Stacks Political frienship and the good life
nbh068234 Arrived 2003-02-05 62 Stacks Constitutional justice, East and West Democratic...
nbh068235 Arrived 2005-07-29 63 Stacks The concept of ideals in legal theory
nbh068236 Arrived 2005-07-29 64 Stacks The principle of legal certanity in EC law
nbh068237 Arrived 2005-07-29 65 Stacks Autonomy, freedom and rights a critique..
nbh068238 Arrived 2005-07-29 66 Stacks Analysis of dis/agreement with particular reference ot law and legal theory
nbh068239 Arrived 2005-07-29 67 Stacks The paradoxes of action (human action, law & philosoph)
nbh068240 Arrived 2005-07-29 68 Stacks Influence and power variations on a messy theme
nbh068241 Arrived 2005-07-29 69 Stacks Knowlege discovery from legal databases
nbh068242 Arrived 2005-07-29 70 Stacks Studies in legal logic
nbh068243 Arrived 2005-11-01 71 Stacks Medical law and moral rights
nbh068244 Arrived 2006-01-09 72 Stacks Territorial rights
nbh068245 Arrived 2006-03-29 73 Stacks The concept of rights
nbh068246 Arrived 2006-05-05 74 Stacks Moral dilemmas in real life
nbh068247 Arrived 2006-04-06 75 Stacks Group rights as human rights
nbh068248 Arrived 2006-03-29 76 Stacks Being apart from reasons the role of reasons in public and private moral decision-making
nbh068249 Arrived 2006-11-16 77 Stacks Arguing fundamental rights
nbh068250 Arrived 2006-10-03 78 Stacks Methods of legal reasoning
nbh068251 Arrived 2007-04-30 79 Stacks Constitutionalism and legal reasoning
nbh068252 Arrived 2007-05-14 80 Stacks The rule of law
nbh068253 Arrived 2007-06-05 81 Stacks Theory of legal principles
nbh068254 Arrived 2007-07-18 82 Stacks Law as symbolic form
nbh068255 Arrived 2007-09-28 83 Stacks On the interpretation of treaties
nbh068256 Arrived 2010-06-28 84 Stacks Efficiency instead of justice? Searching for the philosophical foundations of the economic analysis of law.
nbh068257 Arrived 2009-10-14 85 Stacks Race, rights, and justice.
nbh068258 Arrived 2010-06-28 86 Stacks Reasonableness and law.
nbh068259 Arrived 2010-06-28 87 Stacks A real mind : the life and work of Axel Hagerstrom.
nbh068260 Arrived 2010-06-28 88 Stacks Concepts in law.
nbh068261 Arrived 2010-06-28 89 Stacks Groups, rules and legal practice.
nbh068262 Arrived 2010-09-23 90 Stacks Law as institution.
nbh068263 Arrived 2010-11-17 91 Stacks Semiotics of international law : trade and translation.
nbh068264 Arrived 2011-06-22 92 Stacks Arguments, stories and criminal evidence
nbh068265 Arrived 2011-06-07 93 Stacks Law and democracy in Neil macCormikc's legal and political theory
nbh068266 Arrived 2011-11-03 94 Stacks Law, order and freedom : a historical introduction to legal philosophy.
nbh068267 Arrived 2011-08-18 95 Stacks Interpretation of law in the age of enlightenment...
nbh068268 Arrived 2011-08-18 96 Stacks Essays on the doctrinal study of law
nbh068269 Arrived 2011-11-10 97 Stacks Law, truth, and reason
nbh068270 Arrived 2011-11-10 98 Stacks Efficiency, sustainability, and justice to future generations
nbh068271 Arrived 2012-07-16 99 Stacks Self-sufficiency of law : a critical-institutional theory of social order.
nbh068272 Arrived 2012-10-18 100 Stacks The planning theory of law a critical reading
nbh068273 Arrived 2012-10-18 101 Stacks Reasonableness and responsibility: a theory of contract law
nbh068274 Arrived 2012-10-18 102 Stacks Legal argumentation theory : cross-disciplinary perspectives
nbh068275 Arrived 2012-10-24 103 Stacks The legacy of John's Austin's jurisprudence
nbh068276 Arrived 2012-10-24 104 Stacks Honor and revenge: a theory of punishment
nbh068277 Arrived 2013-08-13 105 Stacks Leibniz: logico-philosophical puzzles in the law : philosophical questions and perplexing cases in the law.
nbh068278 Arrived 2013-04-25 106 Stacks Neutrality and theory of law.
nbh068279 Arrived 2013-05-08 107 Stacks Coherence : insights from philosophy, jusriprudence and artificial intelligence.
nbh068280 Arrived 2014-07-23 108 Stacks a critical appraisal of Karl Olivercrona's legal philosophy
nbh068281 Arrived 2014-08-27 109 Stacks From rechtsstaat to universal law-state : an essay in philosophical jurisprudence.
nbh068282 Arrived 2015-04-03 110 Stacks Legal fictions in theory and practice
nbh068283 Arrived 2014-11-26 111 Stacks Problems of normativity, rules and rule-following.
nbh068284 Arrived 2015-06-01 112 Stacks Argument types and fallacies in legal argumentation
nbh068285 Arrived 2016-06-07 113 Stacks Democratizing constitutional law
nbh068286 Arrived 2016-08-15 114 Stacks Certainty in law
nbh068287 Arrived 2016-06-24 115 Stacks Constitutional rights-what they are and what they ought to be
nbh068288 Arrived 2016-10-07 116 Stacks Hans Kelsen in American-selective affinities and the mysteries of academic influence
nbh068289 Arrived 2016-10-07 117 Stacks The force of law reaffirmed : Frederick Schauer meets the critics
nbh068290 Arrived 2017-06-12 118 Stacks Kelsenian legal science and the nature of law
nbh068291 Arrived 2017-06-30 119 Stacks Legal personhood : animals, artificial intelligence and the unborn
nbh068292 Arrived 2017-10-27 120 Stacks Supervenience and normativity
nbh068293 Arrived 2018-03-27 121 Stacks Aristotle on emotions in law and politics
nbh068294 Arrived 2019-01-10 122 Stacks Legal validity and soft law
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