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Barcode Status Expected Date Vol. No. Cover Date Location Public Note
1646068627 Arrived 2018-12-12 106 Stacks Brexit : The legal implications
2177396058 Arrived 2023-07-26 115 Stacks Public law in a troubled era : a tribute to professor Patrick Birkinshaw.
3281545816 Expected 2020-02-28 113 Stacks
5472840728 Arrived 2020-01-28 112 Stacks General principles of EU law and the EU digital order
6060297326 Arrived 2020-01-22 111 Stacks EU framework for foreign direct investment control
6237358291 Expected 2025-10-17 118 Stacks
7121236622 Arrived 2021-06-04 114 Stacks GDPR: Personal data protection in the European Union
7301951970 Arrived 2023-10-17 116 Stacks SOLIDARITY : a normative principle.
7442360913 Arrived 2019-07-03 109 Stacks A legal analysis of NGO's and European civil society
7931680508 Arrived 2023-10-17 117 Stacks FIXING THE EURO WITHIN THE NATIONAL CONSTITUTIONAL GUARDRAILS : a comparative assessment of the... national constitutional space for eu (fiscal) inte.
7941554272 Arrived 2019-02-27 108 Stacks The legal framework applicable to the singele supervisory mechanism
8036525266 Arrived 2020-02-10 88 Stacks European public law/3rd ed.
8129459547 Arrived 2019-07-03 110 Stacks Finance for SME's European regulation and capital markets union focus on securitization and...
9513107365 Arrived 2022-07-06 9 Stacks The agricultural law of th EU
9638640209 Arrived 2018-12-17 107 Stacks GDPR: General data protection regulation (EU) 2016/679 post-reform personal data proteciton in the European Union
nbh090065 Arrived 2013-07-03 16 2013 Stacks Broberg on the European commision's juridiction to scrutinise mergers/ 4th ed.
nbh090066 Arrived 2002-10-25 41 2002 Stacks Takeover law in the EU and the USA a comparative analysis
nbh090067 Arrived 2005-01-24 42 2003 Stacks Communications in EU antitrust law market power and...
nbh090068 Arrived 2003-06-03 43 2003 Stacks Regional State aid & Competition policy in the European...
nbh090069 Arrived 2005-01-24 44 2003 Stacks Nationality discrimination in the Europan internal market
nbh090070 Arrived 2005-01-24 45 2004 Stacks The autonomy of community law
nbh090071 Arrived 2005-03-03 46 2004 Stacks Competition law sanctioning in the European Union
nbh090072 Arrived 2005-02-04 47 Stacks Dealing with Dominance the experience of National...
nbh090073 Arrived 2005-09-06 48 2005 Stacks Practical regulation of the mobility of sportsmen in the EU post bosman
nbh090074 Arrived 2005-09-14 49 Stacks Competiton law and consumer protection
nbh090075 Arrived 2006-04-11 50 Stacks The national parliaments in the European Union a critical view on EU constitution-building
nbh090076 Arrived 2006-06-15 51 Stacks The concept of legislation in European community law: a comparative perspective
nbh090077 Arrived 2006-07-19 52 Stacks The interim protection of individuals before the European and national courts
nbh090078 Arrived 2006-12-15 53 Stacks Regulating content-European regulatory framework for the media and related creative sectors
nbh090079 Arrived 2007-01-11 54 Stacks European constitution and national constitutions ratification and beyond
nbh090080 Arrived 2007-01-23 55 Stacks Regulation of subsidies & state aids WTO & EC law
nbh090081 Arrived 2008-03-03 56 Stacks Manadating identity citizenship, kinship laws and plural nationality in the European Union
nbh090082 Arrived 2008-04-02 57 Stacks External relations law of the European community
nbh090083 Arrived 2007-11-28 58 Stacks The right good administraiton
nbh090084 Arrived 2008-03-04 59 Stacks EU enlargemetn & the failure of conditionality
nbh090085 Arrived 2008-04-28 60 Stacks The law of payment services in the EU
nbh090086 Arrived 2008-05-14 61 Stacks Impact assessment in EU lawmaking
nbh090087 Arrived 2008-07-10 62 Stacks General principles of EC law in a process of development
nbh090088 Arrived 2009-01-06 63 Stacks The EU &m WTO law on services
nbh090089 Arrived 2009-02-26 64 Stacks Reverse discrimination in EC law
nbh090090 Arrived 2009-04-09 65 Stacks Cross-border enforcement of claims in the EU
nbh090091 Arrived 2014-05-22 65 Stacks Cross-border enforcement of claims in the EU... 2nd ed.
nbh090092 Arrived 2009-06-17 66 Stacks Division of powers in European Union law L the delimitation of internal competence between the EU and the member states.
nbh090093 Arrived 2009-07-08 67 Stacks Multilingual interpretation of European union law
nbh090094 Arrived 2009-09-03 68 Stacks Directory of EU case law on the preliminary ruling procedure
nbh090095 Arrived 2010-03-17 69 Stacks Anti-dumping in the WTO, the EU, & China
nbh090096 Arrived 2010-05-12 70 Stacks European union legal order after Lisbon
nbh090097 Arrived 2010-09-09 71 Stacks EU law and the harmonizatin of takeovers in the internal market
nbh090098 Arrived 2010-08-11 72 Stacks The ne bis in idem principle in EU law.
nbh090099 Arrived 2011-02-16 73 Stacks The 'right to damages' unde EU competition law
nbh090100 Arrived 2010-10-13 74 Stacks EU law and obesity prevention
nbh090101 Arrived 2011-01-05 75 Stacks Eclipse of the legality principle in the European Union
nbh090102 Arrived 2011-03-08 76 Stacks Eu higher education law
nbh090103 Arrived 2011-06-02 77 Stacks EU law of the overseas : outermost regions, associated overseas coutries and territories, territories sui generis.
nbh090104 Arrived 2012-01-04 78 Stacks European communications law and technological covergence
nbh090105 Arrived 2012-07-12 79 Stacks EU regulation of access to labour markets a case study of EU...
nbh090106 Arrived 2012-11-01 80 Stacks EU ordre public
nbh090107 Arrived 2012-12-04 81 Stacks Soft law in court competion law, state aid and the court...
nbh090108 Arrived 2013-06-06 82 Stacks Citzenship rights and freedom of movement in the European Union
nbh090109 Arrived 2013-05-30 83 Stacks EU agricultrual law
nbh090110 Arrived 2013-11-01 84 Stacks Development : general principles of EU law and European private law
nbh090111 Arrived 2014-01-28 85 Stacks European agencies in between institutions and member states
nbh090112 Arrived 2021-03-05 97 Stacks Remedies and procedures before the EU Courts (2nd ed)
nbh090113 Arrived 2014-03-11 87 Stacks The right to a fair trial article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights
nbh090114 Arrived 2014-03-24 88 Stacks European public law
nbh090115 Arrived 2014-03-24 89 Stacks Expert evidence deficiencies in the judgments of the courts of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights
nbh090116 Arrived 2014-10-06 90 Stacks Simplification of debt colleciton in the EU
nbh090117 Arrived 2015-01-20 91 Stacks European union rights in national courts
nbh090118 Arrived 2015-03-30 92 Stacks EU law and healthcare services normative approaches to public health systems
nbh090119 Arrived 2015-07-24 Stacks European Public Procurement Law
nbh090120 Arrived 2015-10-19 93 Stacks Preliminary injunctions
nbh090121 Arrived 2016-01-07 94 Stacks Dimensions of evidence in European civil procedure
nbh090122 Arrived 2016-03-02 95 Stacks General principles of European privatge international law
nbh090123 Arrived 2016-02-08 96 Stacks Britain Alone
nbh090124 Arrived 2016-04-12 97 Stacks Remedies and procedures before the EU courts
nbh090125 Arrived 2017-03-20 98 Stacks Infringement proceedings in EU law
nbh090126 Arrived 2017-01-03 100 Stacks Post-refrom personal data protection in the European union General data protection regulation (EU) 2016/679
nbh090127 Arrived 2017-02-28 101 Stacks The role of financial stability in EU law and policy
nbh090128 Arrived 2017-12-12 102 Stacks The new EU judiciary an analysis of current judicial reforms
nbh090129 Arrived 2017-09-28 103 Stacks Cross-border transfers of undertakings : a European perspective
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