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Barcode Status Expected Date Vol. No. Cover Date Location Public Note
1242819270 Arrived 2023-02-02 59 Stacks The law of international humanitarian relief in non-international armed conflicts.
1325596456 Expected 2026-07-07 69 Stacks
3330975231 Arrived 2023-05-09 66 Stacks Prolonged occupation and international law : Israel and Palestine.
4507907968 Arrived 2022-02-23 60 Stacks Unravelling unlawful confimement in contemporary armed conflicts
4710305596 Arrived 2024-05-28 67 Stacks The laws of yesterday's wars 3 : from the highlands of Papua New Guinea to the Island of Malta.
5173158141 Arrived 2022-04-05 61 Stacks Military necessity in international cultural heritage law
5500608643 Arrived 2019-01-28 54 Stacks Investigating civilian casualties in time of armed conflict and belligerent occupation
5862936819 Arrived 2022-07-19 63 Stacks Beyond imperfect justice
6002011032 Arrived 2023-05-30 62 Stacks Juridification of warfare and limits of accountability : an ethnomethodological investigation into the production and assessment of legal targeting.
6573112602 Arrived 2022-02-22 58 Stacks The laws of yesterday's wars : from Indigenous Australians to the American Civil War.
6628204234 Arrived 2024-05-28 68 Stacks The authority of the International Committee of the Red Cross : determining what international humanitarian law is.
7728863303 Arrived 2019-01-15 53 Stacks Drones and other unmanned weapons systems under international law
7800070300 Arrived 2019-01-28 55 Stacks The companion to international humanitarian law
9138784126 Expected 2027-07-07 70 Stacks
9246247776 Arrived 2023-03-10 64 Stacks The laws of yesterday's wars. 2, From ancient India to East Africa.
9345012136 Arrived 2020-01-17 57 Stacks NATO rules of engagement
9683694216 Arrived 2023-05-09 65 Stacks Individual criminal responsibility for autonomous weapons systems in international criminal law.
9802943202 Arrived 2019-05-07 56 Stacks Petulant and contrary: approaches by the permanent five members of the UN security council to the concept of 'threat to the ' under artice 39 of UN charter
nbh108360 Arrived 2005-11-17 2 Stacks Chaning face of conflict & the efficacy of international...
nbh108361 Arrived 2000-01-21 2 Stacks Restoring & maintaining order in complex peace operations
nbh108362 Arrived 2003-01-14 3 Stacks Essays on ICTY procedure & Evidence, In Honor of...
nbh108363 Arrived 2002-05-22 4 Stacks Traditional neutrality revisited law, theory & case studies
nbh108364 Arrived 2004-05-18 5 Stacks Man's inhumanity to man essays on international law...
nbh108365 Arrived 2004-07-07 6 Stacks International criminal law developments in the case law...
nbh108366 Arrived 2005-02-09 7 Stacks War torn environment:interpreting the legal threshold
nbh108367 Arrived 2005-06-30 8 Stacks Listening to the silences women and war
nbh108368 Arrived 2005-05-05 9 Stacks Accountability of Peace Support Operations
nbh108369 Arrived 2006-01-05 10 Stacks Dynamics of international criminal justice, essays in honour of Sir Richard May
nbh108370 Arrived 2005-04-20 11 Stacks Belligerent reprisals
nbh108371 Arrived 2005-11-17 12 Stacks New Challenges of humanitarian law in armed conflicts
nbh108372 Arrived 2006-03-29 13 Stacks The challenge of conflict: international law responds
nbh108373 Arrived 2006-05-04 14 Stacks The formation of the treaty law of non-international armed conflicts
nbh108374 Arrived 2007-08-20 15 Stacks International law and armed conflict: exploring the faultlines
nbh108375 Arrived 2009-09-29 16 Stacks Protection of personnel in peace operations: the role of the 'safety convention' against the background of general international law
nbh108376 Arrived 2007-11-06 17 Stacks Reflection son the law of war
nbh108377 Arrived 2008-02-28 18 Stacks Unlawful attacks in combat situations
nbh108378 Arrived 2009-07-02 19 2009 Stacks Legal regime of the international criminal court
nbh108379 Arrived 2007-12-14 20 Stacks The legacy of Nuremberg : civilising influence or institutionalised vengeance?
nbh108380 Arrived 2010-06-08 21 Stacks Violations of the rules applicable in non-international armed conflicts & their possible cause: The case of Somalia, 2008.
nbh108381 Arrived 2008-08-29 22 Stacks Law at war: the law as it was and the law as it should be
nbh108382 Arrived 2009-01-07 23 Stacks International legal dimension of terrorism
nbh108383 Arrived 2009-10-30 24 Stacks United Nations naval peace operaitons in the territorial sea
nbh108384 Arrived 2009-11-16 25 Stacks The contemporary law of targeting
nbh108385 Arrived 2011-02-03 26 Stacks Security: a multidisciplinary normative apporach
nbh108386 Arrived 2010-01-07 27 Stacks Stopping wars and making peace : studies in international intervention.
nbh108387 Arrived 2010-01-11 28 Stacks Regulating the use of force in wars of National liberation; the need a new regime a study of the South moluccas and Aceh
nbh108388 Arrived 2010-06-30 29 Stacks Protecting cultural property in armed conflict an insight into the 1999 second protocol to the Hague Convention...
nbh108389 Arrived 2011-06-30 30 Stacks Beyond victor's justice? : The Tokyo War Crimes trial revisited.
nbh108390 Arrived 2011-10-27 31 Stacks International military missions and itnernational law
nbh108391 Arrived 2011-11-22 32 Stacks Deadly metal rain: the legality of flechette weapons in international law
nbh108392 Arrived 2011-08-22 33 Stacks The internal implementation of peace agreements after violent intrastate conflict
nbh108393 Arrived 2011-11-22 34 Stacks International criminal justice in bello?
nbh108394 Arrived 2012-10-30 35 Stacks International law and sexual violence in armed conflicts
nbh108395 Arrived 2012-08-23 36 Stacks Forcible displacement throughout the ages
nbh108396 Arrived 2012-07-19 37 Stacks What is war? : An investication in the wake of 9/11.
nbh108397 Arrived 2013-03-22 38 Stacks Elements of accessorial modes of liability : article 25(3)(b) and (c) of the Rome statute of the international criminal court.
nbh108399 Arrived 2012-12-21 40 Stacks The old bridge of Mostar and increasing respect for cultural property in armed conflict.
nbh108400 Arrived 2013-04-10 41 Stacks International humanitarian law and changing technology of war
nbh108401 Arrived 2014-08-19 42 Stacks Sexual exploitation and abuse by UN military contigents : moving beyond the current status quo and responsibility under international law.
nbh108402 Arrived 2015-01-09 43 Stacks Investigating operational incidents in a military context : law, justice, politics.
nbh108403 Arrived 2015-01-09 44 Stacks First do no harm : medical ethics in international humanitarian law.
nbh108404 Arrived 2015-08-20 45 Stacks Bravery or bravado? The protection of news providers in armed conflict
nbh108405 Arrived 2015-10-29 46 Stacks Starvation as a weapon : domestic policies of deliberate stravation as a means to and ...
nbh108406 Arrived 2016-03-14 47 Stacks Status and treatment of deserters in international armed conflicts
nbh108407 Arrived 2016-09-29 48 Stacks Australia's war crimes trials 1945-51
nbh108408 Arrived 2016-09-09 49 Stacks Detention of non-state actors engaged in hostilities : The future law
nbh108409 Arrived 2017-05-08 50 Stacks Holding UNPOL to account : individual criminal accountability of United Nations Police personnel
nbh108410 Arrived 2018-05-04 51 Stacks Civil-military 'legal' relations : where to form here?
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