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Barcode Status Expected Date Vol. No. Cover Date Location Public Note
1164950853 Arrived 2020-02-04 14 Stacks Childrens' rights and obligations in canon law
2360089543 Expected 2024-07-10 17 Stacks
3837490816 Arrived 2022-11-29 15 Stacks Religious freedom in secular states : a 21st century perspective.
5778947713 Arrived 2023-07-10 16 Stacks Freedom of religion and religious pluralism.
nbh144999 Arrived 2007-04-25 5 Stacks Does God believe in human rights?
nbh145000 Arrived 2007-10-08 6 Stacks Religion, huamn rights and international law
nbh145001 Arrived 2008-09-04 7 Stacks Religious legal, traditions, international human rights law and Muslim states
nbh145002 Arrived 2010-07-22 8 Stacks State-Religion relationships and human rights law : towards a right to religiously neutral governance.
nbh145003 Arrived 2011-05-23 9 Stacks Religious confession privilege and the common law.
nbh145004 Arrived 2012-11-30 10 Stacks Religion, secular beliefs and human rights. 2nd rev. ed.
nbh145005 Arrived 2012-11-30 11 Stacks The Lautsi papers : multidisciplinary reflactions on religious symbols in the public school classroom.
nbh145006 Arrived 2015-07-02 12 Stacks Treading on sacred grounds : places of worship, local planning and religious freedom in Australia.
nbh145007 Arrived 2019-06-27 13 Stacks The European court of human rights and the freedom of religion or belief
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