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Barcode Status Expected Date Vol. No. Cover Date Location Public Note
nbh146343 Arrived 2006-12-04 2006 Stacks French Civil Code
nbh146344 Arrived 2006-09-21 Stacks Judicial recourse to foreign law
nbh146345 Arrived 2007-10-17 Stacks Italian private law
nbh146346 Arrived 2007-10-22 Stacks Human rights and the private sphere
nbh146347 Arrived 2007-11-05 Stacks International negotiations in the twenty-first century
nbh146348 Arrived 2008-03-26 Stacks Civil disobedience and the German courts...
nbh146349 Arrived 2008-10-06 Stacks Freedom of expression : a critical and comparative analysis
nbh146350 Arrived 2009-01-28 Stacks Pure economic loss : new horizons in comparative law
nbh146351 Arrived 2009-10-14 Stacks Introduction to Spanic private law : facing the social and economic challenges.
nbh146352 Arrived 2010-12-06 Stacks Human rights and the protection of privacy in tort law : a comparison between English and German law.
nbh146353 Arrived 2011-03-07 Stacks The integration of European financial markets : the regulation of monetary obligations.
nbh146354 Expected 2016-4-7 Stacks see staff note
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