Holding Information

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Barcode Status Expected Date Vol. No. Cover Date Location Public Note
nbh147250 Arrived 2007-12-20 29 2006 Stacks Taxation of capital gains under the OECD Model Convention
nbh147251 Arrived 2007-12-10 31 2007 Stacks Taxpayers' rights : theory, origin and implementation
nbh147252 Arrived 2008-01-25 30 Stacks Tax treaty law and EC law
nbh147253 Arrived 2007-12-11 31 Stacks Taxpayers rights theory orgin and emplimenation
nbh147254 Arrived 2009-04-10 32 Stacks Interpretation of double taxation conventions : general theory and Brazilian perspective.
nbh147255 Arrived 2009-10-19 Stacks Systems of general sales taxation : theory, policy and practice.
nbh147256 Arrived 2009-08-28 34 Stacks Tax reform in the 21st century.
nbh147257 Arrived 2010-10-20 35 Stacks Transfer pricing and the arm's length principle in international tax law.
nbh147258 Arrived 2010-09-29 36 Stacks The international tax law concept of dividend.
nbh147259 Arrived 2011-08-16 37 Stacks Immovable property under VAT : a comparative global analysis.
nbh147260 Arrived 2012-01-25 38 Stacks The 2010 OECD updates : model tax conventions & transfer pricing guidelines a critical review.
nbh147261 Arrived 2012-06-15 39 Stacks The proper tax base : structural fairness from an international and comparative perspective - essays in honor of Paul McDaniel.
nbh147262 Arrived 2012-10-04 40 Stacks Science, technology and taxation.
nbh147263 Arrived 2014-07-18 41 Stacks The VAT/GST treatment of public bodies.
nbh147264 Arrived 2014-04-07 42 Stacks How fixed is a permanent establishment?
nbh147265 Arrived 2014-09-18 43 Stacks Taxation of corporate groups.
nbh147266 Arrived 2014-06-04 44 Stacks Tax treaties and developing countries.
nbh147267 Arrived 2015-02-10 45 Stacks State aid, subsidy and tax incentives under EU and WTO law
nbh147268 Arrived 2015-01-28 46 Stacks Legal interpretation of tax law.
nbh147269 Arrived 2015-02-10 47 Stacks Taxation of cross-border services
nbh147270 Arrived 2015-02-10 48 Stacks Proportionality and fair taxation
nbh147271 Arrived 2015-02-10 49 Stacks General anti-avoidance rules for major developing countries
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