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Barcode Status Expected Date Vol. No. Cover Date Location Public Note
5402909590 Expected 2024-03-29 Stacks
5829774345 Arrived 2023-03-29 Stacks The consumer welfare hypothesis in law and economics : towards a synthesis for the 21st century.
nbh149052 Arrived 2008-08-27 Stacks The economics of courts and litigation
nbh149053 Arrived 2010-04-21 Stacks Transport, welfare and externalities : replacing the polluter pays principle with the cheapest cost avoider principle.
nbh149054 Arrived 2011-03-24 Stacks New trends in finanacing civil litigation in Europe : a legal, empirical, and economic analysis.
nbh149055 Arrived 2011-09-07 Stacks Comparative contract law and economics.
nbh149056 Arrived 2012-05-14 Stacks Law, economics & cyberspace the effects of cyberspace on the...
nbh149057 Arrived 2012-07-26 Stacks The law and economics of class actions in Europe : lessons from America.
nbh149058 Arrived 2013-11-13 Stacks Corporate compliance : new approaches to regulatory enforcement.
nbh149059 Arrived 2017-10-10 Stacks Regulatory reform in China and the EU a law and economics perspective
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