Selected Executive Session Hearings of the Committee, 1943-50; Volume II: Problems of World War II and Its Aftermath. Part 2, Palestine Question Problems of Postwar Europe : hearings before the United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee No. 2 (Foreign Affairs), and House Committee on International Relations, Seventy-Eighth Congress, first session and Seventy-Ninth Congress, first session and Eightieth Congress, first session.
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ProQuest U.S. Congressional Hearings Digital Collection.
Selected Executive Session Hearings of the Committee, 1943-50; Volume II: Problems of World War II and Its Aftermath. Part 2, Palestine Question Problems of Postwar Europe : hearings before the United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee No. 2 (Foreign Affairs), and House Committee on International Relations, Seventy-Eighth Congress, first session and Seventy-Ninth Congress, first session and Eightieth Congress, first session.
Added Corporate Author
Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1976.
vii, 600 pages ; cm
Contains transcripts of certain House Foreign Affairs Committee executive session hearings. Transcribed hearings are. a. Discussion of rescue and relief of European Jews from Nazi persecution by an international organization. Nov. 19, 23, 24, 26, Dec. 2, 1943. p. 1-247. Includes discussions of Allies' policies on Nazi genocide program, role of neutral nations in assisting Jewish and other war refugees, U.S. quotas on European and Jewish immigration, British policies on Jewish immigration to Palestine, and Allied programs for war refugee relief. c. Discussion of Jewish homeland and unrestricted immigration rights in Palestine state. Dec. 17, 1945. p. 295-361. Includes discussions of British and U.S. commitment to Balfour Declaration principles, political activities and objectives of Zionist organizations in Palestine, and European Jewish war refugee problems. d. Lend-Lease military air program extension. Feb. 8, 13, 1945. p. 383-391. Includes discussion of French and Soviet participation in the program. e. War criminals apprehension and punishment. Apr. 24, 1945. p. 413-428. Includes discussions of U.N. War Crimes Commission authority and jurisdiction, U.S. policies on apprehension of alleged war criminals in neutral countries, and the relationship between Congress and State Dept in war crime affairs. f. Eastern Europe, Soviet Union, and Middle East travel reports by Reps. Karl E. Mundt and Frances P. Bolton to U.S. military intelligence officers. Nov. 9, 1945. p. 437-463. Includes discussions of Soviet life, Soviet use of Allied Control Commission occupation authority in Eastern Europe, East European Jewish immigration to Palestine and anti-Semitism in Soviet Union and Poland, Arab anti-Zionism and Arab-Jewish tensions in Palestine; Yugoslav, Greek, and Turkish political affairs; British, French, and Soviet roles in Middle East, and the role of women in Saudi Arabia. g. German industrial plant dismantlement. Dec. 4, 16, 1947. p. 499-548. Includes discussion of German economic recovery and impact of industrial plant dismantlement and war reparations program, Inter-Allied Reparations Agency policies, and Soviet cooperation in war reparations and industrial plant dismantlement programs.
Considers (78) H. Res. 350, (78) H. Res. 352, (78) S. Con. Res. 9.
Considers (78) H. Res. 350, (78) H. Res. 352, (78) S. Con. Res. 9.
Record is based on bibliographic data in ProQuest Congressional Hearings Digital Collection. Reuse except for individual research requires license from ProQuest, LLC.
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Available in Other Form
Print version: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Subcommittee No. 2 (Foreign Affairs). Selected Executive Session Hearings of the Committee, 1943-50; Volume II: Problems of World War II and Its Aftermath.
Microfiche version: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Subcommittee No. 2 (Foreign Affairs). Selected Executive Session Hearings of the Committee, 1943-50; Volume II: Problems of World War II and Its Aftermath. [Bethesda, Md.] : LexisNexis Academic & Library Solutions,[2004]
Microfiche version: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Subcommittee No. 2 (Foreign Affairs). Selected Executive Session Hearings of the Committee, 1943-50; Volume II: Problems of World War II and Its Aftermath. [Bethesda, Md.] : LexisNexis Academic & Library Solutions,[2004]
Linked Resources
Electronic reproduction. [Bethesda, Md.] : ProQuest, 2004. digital, PDF file. ProQuest U.S. Congressional Hearings Digital Collection. Mode of access: World Wide Web via ProQuest website.
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