Our nation unhinged : the human consequences of the War on Terror / Peter Jan Honigsberg ; foreword by Erwin Chemerinsky.
KF9625 .H66 2009 (Mapit)
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Our nation unhinged : the human consequences of the War on Terror / Peter Jan Honigsberg ; foreword by Erwin Chemerinsky.
Added Author
Berkeley : University of California Press, [2009]
xix, 311 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Formatted Contents Note
Introducing the term enemy combatant
Justifying harsh interrogations and torture
Asserting absolute power as Commander in Chief
Yaser Hamdi, American citizen
Jose Padilla, American citizen
Ali Saleh Kalah Al Marri, American resident
Preventive detention
Guantanamo and the road to the Supreme Court, 2002-2004
Why Guantanamo?
Martin Luther King weekend, January 2002
The road to the Supreme Court
With a little help from the Cuban Iguana
A historic Supreme Court decision : Rasul v. Bush
Inhumane treatment of detainees at Guantanamo
Interrogation log of a Guantanamo detainee
FBI report : July 29, 2004
Denial of treatment
Suicides at the base
The emergency response force
Hunger strikers and force-feeding
The Administration under siege, 2004-2006
Combatant Status Review Tribunals
Administrative review boards
Government interference with attorneys
The Administration's legal position falters
Winds of change, 2006-2008
A second historic Supreme Court decision : Hamdan v. Rumsfeld
The Military Commissions Act
The third Guantanamo case : Boumediene v. Bush
Supreme Court oral arguments
A parallel case on reviewing CSRT hearings
The return to war crime prosecutions : Hicks, Khadr, and Hamdan
Victory : Boumediene v. Bush
Another blow to the Administration : Parhat v. Gates
The evolution of extraordinary rendition
Case study : Khalid El-Masri
Case study : Maher Arar
Case study : Abu Omar
Violating human rights laws
John Walker Lindh
Richard Colvin Reid
Zacarias Moussaoui
The Lackawanna Six.
Justifying harsh interrogations and torture
Asserting absolute power as Commander in Chief
Yaser Hamdi, American citizen
Jose Padilla, American citizen
Ali Saleh Kalah Al Marri, American resident
Preventive detention
Guantanamo and the road to the Supreme Court, 2002-2004
Why Guantanamo?
Martin Luther King weekend, January 2002
The road to the Supreme Court
With a little help from the Cuban Iguana
A historic Supreme Court decision : Rasul v. Bush
Inhumane treatment of detainees at Guantanamo
Interrogation log of a Guantanamo detainee
FBI report : July 29, 2004
Denial of treatment
Suicides at the base
The emergency response force
Hunger strikers and force-feeding
The Administration under siege, 2004-2006
Combatant Status Review Tribunals
Administrative review boards
Government interference with attorneys
The Administration's legal position falters
Winds of change, 2006-2008
A second historic Supreme Court decision : Hamdan v. Rumsfeld
The Military Commissions Act
The third Guantanamo case : Boumediene v. Bush
Supreme Court oral arguments
A parallel case on reviewing CSRT hearings
The return to war crime prosecutions : Hicks, Khadr, and Hamdan
Victory : Boumediene v. Bush
Another blow to the Administration : Parhat v. Gates
The evolution of extraordinary rendition
Case study : Khalid El-Masri
Case study : Maher Arar
Case study : Abu Omar
Violating human rights laws
John Walker Lindh
Richard Colvin Reid
Zacarias Moussaoui
The Lackawanna Six.
Bibliography, etc. Note
Includes bibliographical references (pages 247-293) and index.
Call Number
KF9625 .H66 2009
9780520254725 cloth alkaline paper
0520254724 cloth alkaline paper
0520254724 cloth alkaline paper
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