Effectively staffing your law firm / Jennifer J. Rose, editor.
KF318 .E34 2009 (Mapit)
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Effectively staffing your law firm / Jennifer J. Rose, editor.
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Chicago, Ill. : American Bar Association, General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Division, [2009]
xviii, 220 pages : forms ; 23 cm.
Firm building series.
Formatted Contents Note
To staff, or not to staff: that is the question / Hope Viner Samborn
When you're the lawyer, secretary, receptionist, and janitor: doing it all without staff / Robert C. (T.J.) Thurston
Suite alternatives to staffing / David J. Abeshouse
To rent or to employ: that is the question / Jeffrey Allen
Kellie: our special employee / Ted A. Waggoner
Outsourcing legal research and writing projects / Lisa Solomon
Support staff: opportunities and challenges / David Leffler
Finding, training, and retaining law firm personnel / Susan D. Goldstein
A blueprint for marketing with staff / Robert A. Kraft
Care and feeding of the law office staff / Jim Calloway
Keys to success: leadership, attorney-staff relations, and simplified action planning / Nancy Byerly Jones
Motivating lawyers and employees in the small law office / Jim Karger
Paralegals: you've come a long way / William I. Weston
Ethics of working with legal assistants / Therese A. Cannon
Virtually anything from a virtual paralegal or legal assistant / Lyza L. Sandgren
Beyond the employee handbook: personal issues / Jean Maneke
Internet, e-mail, and computer policies for the small law office / Robin Page West
Legal staff evaluations / Ted A. Wagoner
Workplace security for solo and small firm staff / David Zachary Kaufman
Discrimination in the solo and small firm / Laura V. Farber
Employment law in the solo and small firm / Jennifer J. Ator
Good reason, bad reason, no reason in particular: how to fire an employee / Sheryl Sisk Schelin.
When you're the lawyer, secretary, receptionist, and janitor: doing it all without staff / Robert C. (T.J.) Thurston
Suite alternatives to staffing / David J. Abeshouse
To rent or to employ: that is the question / Jeffrey Allen
Kellie: our special employee / Ted A. Waggoner
Outsourcing legal research and writing projects / Lisa Solomon
Support staff: opportunities and challenges / David Leffler
Finding, training, and retaining law firm personnel / Susan D. Goldstein
A blueprint for marketing with staff / Robert A. Kraft
Care and feeding of the law office staff / Jim Calloway
Keys to success: leadership, attorney-staff relations, and simplified action planning / Nancy Byerly Jones
Motivating lawyers and employees in the small law office / Jim Karger
Paralegals: you've come a long way / William I. Weston
Ethics of working with legal assistants / Therese A. Cannon
Virtually anything from a virtual paralegal or legal assistant / Lyza L. Sandgren
Beyond the employee handbook: personal issues / Jean Maneke
Internet, e-mail, and computer policies for the small law office / Robin Page West
Legal staff evaluations / Ted A. Wagoner
Workplace security for solo and small firm staff / David Zachary Kaufman
Discrimination in the solo and small firm / Laura V. Farber
Employment law in the solo and small firm / Jennifer J. Ator
Good reason, bad reason, no reason in particular: how to fire an employee / Sheryl Sisk Schelin.
Includes index.
Call Number
KF318 .E34 2009
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