Sustainable development principles in the decisions of international courts and tribunals, 1992-2012 / edited by Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger with H.E. Judge C.G. Weeramantry.
K3585 .S8685 2017 (Mapit)
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Sustainable development principles in the decisions of international courts and tribunals, 1992-2012 / edited by Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger with H.E. Judge C.G. Weeramantry.
Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2017.
xlvi, 883 pages ; 25 cm.
Routledge research in international environmental law.
Formatted Contents Note
Introduction / Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger and C.G. Weeramantry
Commitments to sustainable development through international law and policy / Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger
Advancements in the principles of international law on sustainable development / Nico Schrijver
Achieving sustainable justice through international law / C.G. Weeramantry
A complex system of international courts and tribunals / Cairo Robb and Alexandra Harrington
Sustainable development challenges in international dispute settlement / Cairo Robb, Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger and Caroline Jo
The Sofia Guiding Statements on sustainable development principles in the decisions of international tribunals / Duncan French
The principles of sustainable development in the case concerning Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay / Dire Tladi
Sustainable development law prinicples in the Costa Rica v. Nicaragua territorial disputes / Jorge Cabrera Medaglia and Miguel Saldivia Olave
Sustainable development in the judgments of the International Court of Justice / Marcel Szabo
Developing the judicial habit in nuanced ways through the Abyei-Sudan case / Jennifer MacKay
The Iron Rhine case: on the right track to sustainable development? / Freya Baetens
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (LOSC) and sustainable development jurisprudence / David Freestone and Freedom-Kai Phillips
The interpretation of sustainable development principles in ITLOS / Aline Jaeckel and Timothy Stephens
Disputes on sustainable development in the WTO regime / Markus Gehring and Alexandre Genest
The principle of good governance in WTO disputes / Jarrod Hepburn
The principle of integration in WTO/TRIPS jurisprudence / Henning Grosse Ruse-Khan
Elaborating the common but differentiated responsibilities principle in the WTO / Joyeeta Gupta and Nadia Sanchez
The principles of sustainable development in the practice of U.N. human rights bodies / Stephanie Safdi and Sébastien Jodoin
Sustainable development controversies in the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights / Hennie Strydom
Sustainable development priorities in the Inter-American human rights system / Alexandra Keenan
Sustainable development principles in the European Court of Human Rights / Armelle Gouritin
The integration principle in ICSID awards / Antony Crockett
The principle of public participation in ICSID arbitrations / Avidan Kent
The principle of good governance in the reasoning of investor-state arbitral tribunals / Jonathan Bonnitcha
The principle of integration for sustainable development in European policy and jurisprudence / Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger and Markus Gehring
The principles of integration and precaution in the European legal regimes / Zsuzanna Horváth
The emergence of sustainable development jurisprudence in South Asia / Sumudu Atapattu
Sustainable development principles in the Caribbean Court of Justice / Danielle Turnquest Moulton and Stephanie Forte
Application of principles of sustainable development in the Mekong dispute settlement / Phan Tuan Hung and Alexander Kenny
Sustainable development concerns at the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee / Andriy Andrusevych and Caroline Jo
Sustainable development priorities in World Bank inspection panel decisions / Sabine Schlemmer-Schulte
Principles on sustainable development in the NAAEC Commission on Environmental Cooperation / Dane Ratliff
Principles of inter-generational equity, public participation and good governance in the Inter-American Development Bank's oversight mechanism / Alexandra Harrington and Valentina Duran
Judicial deliberations and progress on sustainable development / Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger, Alexandra Harrington and Francesse Joy Cordon.
Commitments to sustainable development through international law and policy / Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger
Advancements in the principles of international law on sustainable development / Nico Schrijver
Achieving sustainable justice through international law / C.G. Weeramantry
A complex system of international courts and tribunals / Cairo Robb and Alexandra Harrington
Sustainable development challenges in international dispute settlement / Cairo Robb, Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger and Caroline Jo
The Sofia Guiding Statements on sustainable development principles in the decisions of international tribunals / Duncan French
The principles of sustainable development in the case concerning Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay / Dire Tladi
Sustainable development law prinicples in the Costa Rica v. Nicaragua territorial disputes / Jorge Cabrera Medaglia and Miguel Saldivia Olave
Sustainable development in the judgments of the International Court of Justice / Marcel Szabo
Developing the judicial habit in nuanced ways through the Abyei-Sudan case / Jennifer MacKay
The Iron Rhine case: on the right track to sustainable development? / Freya Baetens
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (LOSC) and sustainable development jurisprudence / David Freestone and Freedom-Kai Phillips
The interpretation of sustainable development principles in ITLOS / Aline Jaeckel and Timothy Stephens
Disputes on sustainable development in the WTO regime / Markus Gehring and Alexandre Genest
The principle of good governance in WTO disputes / Jarrod Hepburn
The principle of integration in WTO/TRIPS jurisprudence / Henning Grosse Ruse-Khan
Elaborating the common but differentiated responsibilities principle in the WTO / Joyeeta Gupta and Nadia Sanchez
The principles of sustainable development in the practice of U.N. human rights bodies / Stephanie Safdi and Sébastien Jodoin
Sustainable development controversies in the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights / Hennie Strydom
Sustainable development priorities in the Inter-American human rights system / Alexandra Keenan
Sustainable development principles in the European Court of Human Rights / Armelle Gouritin
The integration principle in ICSID awards / Antony Crockett
The principle of public participation in ICSID arbitrations / Avidan Kent
The principle of good governance in the reasoning of investor-state arbitral tribunals / Jonathan Bonnitcha
The principle of integration for sustainable development in European policy and jurisprudence / Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger and Markus Gehring
The principles of integration and precaution in the European legal regimes / Zsuzanna Horváth
The emergence of sustainable development jurisprudence in South Asia / Sumudu Atapattu
Sustainable development principles in the Caribbean Court of Justice / Danielle Turnquest Moulton and Stephanie Forte
Application of principles of sustainable development in the Mekong dispute settlement / Phan Tuan Hung and Alexander Kenny
Sustainable development concerns at the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee / Andriy Andrusevych and Caroline Jo
Sustainable development priorities in World Bank inspection panel decisions / Sabine Schlemmer-Schulte
Principles on sustainable development in the NAAEC Commission on Environmental Cooperation / Dane Ratliff
Principles of inter-generational equity, public participation and good governance in the Inter-American Development Bank's oversight mechanism / Alexandra Harrington and Valentina Duran
Judicial deliberations and progress on sustainable development / Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger, Alexandra Harrington and Francesse Joy Cordon.
Bibliography, etc. Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Call Number
K3585 .S8685 2017
9781138780057 hardcover
1138780057 hardcover
9781315769639 electronic book
1138780057 hardcover
9781315769639 electronic book
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