Letter from Jean-Pierre Fabre de l'Aude, Paris, to Philippe-Antoine Merlin, 1802 February 4.
Robbins MS 232
Available at Robbins cage
Letter from Jean-Pierre Fabre de l'Aude, Paris, to Philippe-Antoine Merlin, 1802 February 4.
Added Author
Added Corporate Author
Paris, 1802.
1 item : paper ; 23 x 17 cm
Letter from Fabre de l'Aude to Philippe-Antoine Merlin, dated "Paris le 15 pluviose, an 10." Fabre requests Merlin's advice concerning the Ministre de Justice, André-Joseph Abrial.
Ms. component part.
Title devised by cataloger.
Collation: Paper, single sheet.
Origin: Written in Paris in 1802.
Bound with: Merlin, Philippe-Antoine, Réquisitoires autographes : autograph manuscript, 1801-1804.
Shelfmark: Berkeley, CA, the Robbins Collection, UC Berkeley School of Law, Robbins MS 232.
Title devised by cataloger.
Collation: Paper, single sheet.
Origin: Written in Paris in 1802.
Bound with: Merlin, Philippe-Antoine, Réquisitoires autographes : autograph manuscript, 1801-1804.
Shelfmark: Berkeley, CA, the Robbins Collection, UC Berkeley School of Law, Robbins MS 232.
Language Note
In French.
Historical Data
Born in 1755 in Carcassone, Jean-Pierre (also known as Jean-Claude) Fabre de l'Aude was a lawyer and politician. He was deputy to the États de Languedoc in 1783 and to the États-Généraux in 1789. Named commissaire du Roi for the organization of the département of Aude in 1790, he became the procureur syndic and subsequently the commissaire to Carcassone's Tribunal criminel in 1792. He went into exile duirng the Terror, but under the Directoire he became the deputy from Aude to the Conseil des Cinq-Cents in 1795 and its secretary in 1796. He was part of the Cout d'état du 18 brumaire that established the Consulat. A specialist in financial and fiscal matters, Fabre de l'Aude became a member of the Tribunat. He joined the Sénat in 1807 and was made comte de l'Empire in 1808. In 1810, he became the procureur-général to the Conseil du sceau des titres. Fabre was one of the members of the Sénat who voted in 1814 to form the Gouvernement provisoire that deposed Napoléan Bonaparte and governed until the restoration of the monarchy under Louis XVIII. He died in Paris in 1832.
RBCAG Robbins MS 232
Access Note
Restrictions: Inquiries concerning this item should be directed to the reference librarian for the Robbins Collection.
Call Number
Robbins MS 232
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