Notarial instrument recording property transaction in Brandonnet, France, 1348 May 8.
Robbins MS doc. 5
Available at Robbins cage
Notarial instrument recording property transaction in Brandonnet, France, 1348 May 8.
Added Author
Maleville, France, 1348.
1 item : parchment ; 70 x 36 cm folded to 32 x 36 cm
Instrument executed in Maleville recording the transfer of a piece of land, which includes the rights and obligations attached to it, in Brandonnet from "Bermonda vx[or] condam Ioh[ann]is de Mayrauh et B[er]narda eius filia vx[or] Geraldus Poroloeti et eciam Gerarldus Poroletj maritus suus p[a]rrcch. de Brandoneto" to "Petro Arnaldi filio condam Petri de Villanoua ... et Gualhardo Arnaldi fratre suo" in return for 40 livres, as well as the agreement of the castrum of Maleville, Bertrand Hugh de Cardalhacs, presumably Hugues IV de Cardaillac, in abstentia. Dated "anno incarmat[i]onis [eiusdem] mill[es]imo trescentesimo quadragesimo octauo videlicet die octauo mens[is] may." Most of the instrument is written at one hand. Near the conclusion of the instrument, the notary, Guillaumus Clauellus, begins to record his statement in a second hand, as he is explaining that the instrument was written by Stephanus Telherus but that this sentence "hi[n]c me subsc[ri]psi et meo signo [con]sueto signauj sequenti," his hand breaks off and the first hand resumes, explaining "quo quidem notario vita functo." Stephanus Telherius proceeds to declare that his is a public notary by royal authority and that Guillaume's books and charters have been transferred to him. Signed with a notarial seal, which is partially missing. Loss of text due to staining, folding, and trimming of foot of the instrument. Note on verso: "1348. Venti fait par certains [veuves?] de Brandonnet au St. St. Pierre Malevilles de certaines biens aud. lieu."
Ms. document.
Title devised by cataloger.
Collation: Parchment; single sheet.
Layout: Long-lines, 73 lines; frame ruled in plummet.
Script: Written in notarial script by two hands.
Decoration: First initial decorated with pen-work.
Origin: Written in Maleville in the Aveyron, in 1348.
Shelfmark: Berkeley, CA, the Robbins Collection, UC Berkeley School of Law, Robbins MS doc. 5.
Title devised by cataloger.
Collation: Parchment; single sheet.
Layout: Long-lines, 73 lines; frame ruled in plummet.
Script: Written in notarial script by two hands.
Decoration: First initial decorated with pen-work.
Origin: Written in Maleville in the Aveyron, in 1348.
Shelfmark: Berkeley, CA, the Robbins Collection, UC Berkeley School of Law, Robbins MS doc. 5.
Language Note
In Latin.
Binding Information
RBCAG Robbins MS doc. 5
Access Note
Restrictions: Inquiries concerning this item should be directed to the reference librarian for the Robbins Collection.
Linked Resources
Call Number
Robbins MS doc. 5
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