Comparative criminal law : development, aims, methods / by Albin Eser ; translated from the German by Brigitte Heilmann.
K5015.4 .E82 2017 (Mapit)
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Comparative criminal law : development, aims, methods / by Albin Eser ; translated from the German by Brigitte Heilmann.
Added Author
München : C.H. Beck ; Oxford : Hart ; Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2017.
xviii, 188 pages ; 25 cm
Formatted Contents Note
Part I. Development and concepts of comparative criminal law: where we stand
Part II. Aims and functions of comparative criminal law: why explore foreign law
Part III. Methodology: how to conduct the comparison of criminal law
Part IV. Outlook: what remains to be done.
Part II. Aims and functions of comparative criminal law: why explore foreign law
Part III. Methodology: how to conduct the comparison of criminal law
Part IV. Outlook: what remains to be done.
" ... This publication is the result of a comparative research project of the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law in Freiburg/Germany. The initial intention was to have just some summarizing reflections in the final chapter of that project. However, very soon the question arose, if and to what extent one might draw more general conclusions from this project, and how these might be incorporated in the standard concepts of comparative criminal law. ... there is anything but unity in relation to the aims and methods of comparative criminal law. This starts with the different understanding of concepts and terms and goes as far as a divergent assessment of the practical importance of comparative criminal law. In order to deal with these questions, a more comprehensive examination was necessary; this was incorporated in the publication of the project as its final part and is here presented in an updated English version."-- Page 3.
Bibliography, etc. Note
Includes bibliographical references (pages 159-177) and index.
Call Number
K5015.4 .E82 2017
9783406702778 Beck cloth
3406702775 Beck cloth
9783848738038 Nomos cloth
3848738031 Nomos cloth
9781509919437 Hart cloth
1509919430 Hart cloth
3406702775 Beck cloth
9783848738038 Nomos cloth
3848738031 Nomos cloth
9781509919437 Hart cloth
1509919430 Hart cloth
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