Concerning papal relations with Spain and Naples, church property, and ecclesiastical administration : manuscript.
Memmi, Francesco, active 17th-18th century. Discorso dell'avocato Francesco Memmi sopra il memoriae dato all'Augustissima Imperatrice à nome della città e del regno di Napoli. (Robbins Ms. 197); Marini, Gaetano, 1742-1815, annotator.; Imperiali, Giuseppe Renato, 1651-1737, addressee.; Spinola, Giorgio, 1667-1739, addressee.; Catholic Church. Curia Romana.; University of California, Berkeley. Manuscript. MS 197. Robbins Collection.
Robbins MS 197
Available at Robbins cage
Concerning papal relations with Spain and Naples, church property, and ecclesiastical administration : manuscript.
Added Author
Memmi, Francesco, active 17th-18th century. Discorso dell'avocato Francesco Memmi sopra il memoriae dato all'Augustissima Imperatrice à nome della città e del regno di Napoli. (Robbins Ms. 197)
Marini, Gaetano, 1742-1815, annotator.
Imperiali, Giuseppe Renato, 1651-1737, addressee.
Spinola, Giorgio, 1667-1739, addressee.
Marini, Gaetano, 1742-1815, annotator.
Imperiali, Giuseppe Renato, 1651-1737, addressee.
Spinola, Giorgio, 1667-1739, addressee.
Added Corporate Author
Rome?, after 1710.
1 volume (68 leaves) : paper ; 28 x 21 cm
Formatted Contents Note
Instruzzione dat al [?] Cardinale Imperiali...1711, sopra le Maren'e de Regno di Napoli
[Instructions to Spinola, 1711]
[Felice?] pro Congreg[ati]one...die 26 Septembris 1710
Discorso dell'auuocato Francesco Memmi sopra il memoriale dato all'Augustissima Imperatrice à mome [that is, nome] della città e del Regno di Napoli, continente l'instanza di fare una legge che proibisca all chiesa e agli ecclesiastici fare acquisti di beni stabili, 1712.
[Instructions to Spinola, 1711]
[Felice?] pro Congreg[ati]one...die 26 Septembris 1710
Discorso dell'auuocato Francesco Memmi sopra il memoriale dato all'Augustissima Imperatrice à mome [that is, nome] della città e del Regno di Napoli, continente l'instanza di fare una legge che proibisca all chiesa e agli ecclesiastici fare acquisti di beni stabili, 1712.
Compilation of four texts. The first two are instructions to Cardinal Imperiali, legate to Naples, and Cardinal Spinola, nuncio to Spain, regarding the Church's rights to certain taxes and properties. The third is a report about church property of a specific congregation. The fourth is a discourse by Francesco Memmi about church property in the kingdom of Naples.
Ms. gatherings.
Title devised by cataloger.
Collation: Paper (watermarks: Étoile, similar but not idencial to Heawood 3883 and 3879; Oieseau, similar to Heawood 161; Ancre, similar but identical to Briquet 478 and Heawood 8), fol. 262-332; 1¹⁶ 2⁴ 3-4¹² 5⁸ 6-7¹⁰, Foliated 264-332, last leaf blank.
Layout: Written in single column in lines of 24-27 on right half of page, with annotations on left.
Script: Written in cursive by four hands, with annotations.
Origin: Written in Italy, most likely in Rome, during the early eighteenth century.
Shelfmark: Berkeley, CA, the Robbins Collection, UC Berkeley School of Law, Robbins MS 197.
Title devised by cataloger.
Collation: Paper (watermarks: Étoile, similar but not idencial to Heawood 3883 and 3879; Oieseau, similar to Heawood 161; Ancre, similar but identical to Briquet 478 and Heawood 8), fol. 262-332; 1¹⁶ 2⁴ 3-4¹² 5⁸ 6-7¹⁰, Foliated 264-332, last leaf blank.
Layout: Written in single column in lines of 24-27 on right half of page, with annotations on left.
Script: Written in cursive by four hands, with annotations.
Origin: Written in Italy, most likely in Rome, during the early eighteenth century.
Shelfmark: Berkeley, CA, the Robbins Collection, UC Berkeley School of Law, Robbins MS 197.
Language Note
In Italian and Latin.
Indexed In
Phillipps, T. Phillipps Manuscripts, 7538.
Formerly in the collection of Sir Thomas Phillipps. "Ph. 7538" inscribed on fol. 264r, 294r, 283r, and 294r.
Binding Information
Disbound gatherings.
RBCAG Robbins MS 197
Access Note
Restrictions: Inquiries concerning this item should be directed to the reference librarian for the Robbins Collection.
Call Number
Robbins MS 197
Source of Acquisition
H.P. Kraus.
Record Appears in