Dicta v. cl. H.G. Tydeman in historiam jurisprudentiae Romanae Bachii : manuscript.
Robbins MS 214
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Dicta v. cl. H.G. Tydeman in historiam jurisprudentiae Romanae Bachii : manuscript.
Added Author
Added Corporate Author
Netherlands?, 1818-1819.
1 volume (167 leaves) : paper ; 21 x 17 cm bound to 22 x 18 cm
Formatted Contents Note
Liber I: De jurisprudentia antiqua. De jurisprudentia regia
De juri[sprudent]ia antiqua post reges [pactos?] usq[ue] ad xii-tas.
Liber II: De jur[isprudent]ia media. De statu publico
De j[uri]spr[ud]e[nt]ia media juribusque usque ad Caesares.
Liber III: De jur[is[rudent]ia nova. De jur[isprudent]ia ab Auggto usque ad Hadrianam
De jur[isprudent]ia nova ab Hadriano usque ad Constantiniu[m]
De j[u]r[isprud]e[nt[ia nova a Constantino m usq[ue] ad Theodorium
De j[uri]s[prud]e[nt]ia nova a Theod. Jun. usq[ue] ad Just.
Liber IV: De jur[i]spr[ud]entia novissima. De j[uri]s[prud]e[nt]ia a Justiniano usq[ue] ad Basilium Macedonem
De j[uri]s[prud]e[nt]ia a Basilio Macedone usq[ue] ad excidis Cons[tan]t[in]opolis.
De juri[sprudent]ia antiqua post reges [pactos?] usq[ue] ad xii-tas.
Liber II: De jur[isprudent]ia media. De statu publico
De j[uri]spr[ud]e[nt]ia media juribusque usque ad Caesares.
Liber III: De jur[is[rudent]ia nova. De jur[isprudent]ia ab Auggto usque ad Hadrianam
De jur[isprudent]ia nova ab Hadriano usque ad Constantiniu[m]
De j[u]r[isprud]e[nt[ia nova a Constantino m usq[ue] ad Theodorium
De j[uri]s[prud]e[nt]ia nova a Theod. Jun. usq[ue] ad Just.
Liber IV: De jur[i]spr[ud]entia novissima. De j[uri]s[prud]e[nt]ia a Justiniano usq[ue] ad Basilium Macedonem
De j[uri]s[prud]e[nt]ia a Basilio Macedone usq[ue] ad excidis Cons[tan]t[in]opolis.
Transcription of lecture notes on Johann August Bach's history of Roman law and jurisprudence from antiquity through the Byzantines which was delivered by Hendrik Willem Tydeman at University of Leiden between 1818-1819. The main text was copied onto the recto of each folio, with occasional annotations and corrections appearing on the verso. The book, chapter, and section under discussion are marked on the upper right corner of each recto. Folios 163-170 are blank.
Ms. codex.
Title transcribed from title page.
Collation: Paper (watermarks: Lion, from the Netherlands' coat of arms, and Pro patria, similiar but not identical to Heawood 3705), fol. i + 167 + iii; 1-19⁴ 20⁴⁽⁻⁴⁾ 21-42⁴ + iii. Leaves 1-163 foliated in contemporary hand; leaves 163-167 blank.
Script: Written in cursive.
Origin: Written in the Netherlands during the early nineteenth century.
Note on the bookplate reads: "Boalt Hall (non) Robbins MS 214)."
Shelfmark: Berkeley, CA, the Robbins Collection, UC Berkeley School of Law, Robbins MS 214.
Former shelfmark: KBD80 .T93.
Title transcribed from title page.
Collation: Paper (watermarks: Lion, from the Netherlands' coat of arms, and Pro patria, similiar but not identical to Heawood 3705), fol. i + 167 + iii; 1-19⁴ 20⁴⁽⁻⁴⁾ 21-42⁴ + iii. Leaves 1-163 foliated in contemporary hand; leaves 163-167 blank.
Script: Written in cursive.
Origin: Written in the Netherlands during the early nineteenth century.
Note on the bookplate reads: "Boalt Hall (non) Robbins MS 214)."
Shelfmark: Berkeley, CA, the Robbins Collection, UC Berkeley School of Law, Robbins MS 214.
Former shelfmark: KBD80 .T93.
Language Note
In Latin.
Historical Data
Henrik Willem or Henricus Gulielmus Tydeman, born in Utrecht in August 1778, was a Dutch jurist. He studied at the Universität Groningen and the Universiteit Leiden, where he earned his doctorate of law in 1799. He became a professor of law in the same university in 1812, where he first taught the Napoleonic Code and, after 1815, legal history and other subjects. In 1825-1826 and again in 1845-1846 he was the university's Rector Magnificus. He was also a member of the Koninklijk Instituut van Wetenschappen, Letterkunde en Schoone Kunsten and a knight of the Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw. He died in Leiden in 1863.
Gift of Mrs. James L. de Fremery. Her father-in-law, James de Fremery, was Consul General for the Netherlands in San Francisco from 1863 to 1891. "235897" stamped in ink on the title page and "L39467" is stamped on fol. 162r.
Binding Information
Half bound in brown calfskin and patterened paper, gilt-tooled bands and red morocco label, "H.G. Tydeman in historiam juris Romani," on spine.
RBCAG Robbins MS 214
Access Note
Restrictions: Inquiries concerning this item should be directed to the reference librarian for the Robbins Collection.
Spine Title
H.G. Tydeman in historiam juris Romani.
Call Number
Robbins MS 214
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