J.M. Kemper dictata de jure publico et gentium in Grotio De jure belli ac pacis libros tres, 1819-1820 : manuscript.
Robbins MS 219
Available at Robbins cage
J.M. Kemper dictata de jure publico et gentium in Grotio De jure belli ac pacis libros tres, 1819-1820 : manuscript.
Added Author
Added Corporate Author
Leiden?, 1819-1820.
1 volume (142 leaves) : paper ; 21 x 17 cm bound to 22 x 17 cm
Formatted Contents Note
Ad lectiones in Grotium praefatio de Grotis [et] methodo Grotiana
Grotii prolegomena
Hugonis Grotii De jure belli ac pacis, liber I
Liber II
Liber III.
Grotii prolegomena
Hugonis Grotii De jure belli ac pacis, liber I
Liber II
Liber III.
Notes transcribed from lectures on Hugo Grotius's De jure belli ac pacis libris tres delivered by Johan Melchior Kemper at the University of Leiden between 1819 and 1820. The main text was copied onto the recto of each folio, with occasional annotations and corrections appearing on the verso.
Ms. codex.
Title transcribed from title page.
Collation: Paper (watermark: Pro patria, similar but not identical to Heawood 3705), fol. i + 142 + iv; 1-28⁴ 29² 30-32⁴ 33² 34⁸ 35⁸⁽⁻⁸⁾. Leaves 1-141 are foliated by a contemporary hand. Final leaf in quire 35 used for the lower pastedown.
Script: Written in cursive.
Origin: Written in the Netherlands during the early nineteenth century.
Note on the bookplate reads: (non-Robbins) MS 219.
Shelfmark: Berkeley, CA, the Robbins Collection, UC Berkeley School of Law, Robbins MS 219.
Former shelfmark: KJ405 .K32 1820.
Former shelfmark: g291 K32.
Title transcribed from title page.
Collation: Paper (watermark: Pro patria, similar but not identical to Heawood 3705), fol. i + 142 + iv; 1-28⁴ 29² 30-32⁴ 33² 34⁸ 35⁸⁽⁻⁸⁾. Leaves 1-141 are foliated by a contemporary hand. Final leaf in quire 35 used for the lower pastedown.
Script: Written in cursive.
Origin: Written in the Netherlands during the early nineteenth century.
Note on the bookplate reads: (non-Robbins) MS 219.
Shelfmark: Berkeley, CA, the Robbins Collection, UC Berkeley School of Law, Robbins MS 219.
Former shelfmark: KJ405 .K32 1820.
Former shelfmark: g291 K32.
Language Note
In Latin.
Historical Data
Johan Melchior Kemper (1776-1824) was a lawyer with a doctoral degree from the University of Leiden, who held professorships in civil, natural, and public law, and the political history of Europe at Harderwijk, Amsterdam, and Leiden universities. Of note among his juridical activities was his participation in the drafting of a Civil Code. A large number of his lecture notes is preserved in the Leiden University Library.
Gift of Mrs. James L. de Fremery. Her father-in-law, James de Fremery, was Consul General for the Netherlands in San Francisco from 1863 to 1891. "235888" samped in blue ink on fol. 2r and strip of paper affixed to lower pastedown; "L39366" stamped in blue ink on fol. 140r.
Binding Information
Half bound in brown calfskin and brown patterened paper; gilt-tooled bands and morocco label, "J.M. Kemper dictate de jur. publ. & gent.", on spine.
RBCAG Robbins MS 219
Access Note
Restrictions: Inquiries concerning this item should be directed to the reference librarian for the Robbins Collection.
Call Number
Robbins MS 219
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