Riti Capitolo S. Pietro Confraternite : manuscript.
Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano.; Spinelli, Giuseppe, 1694-1763, addressee.; Agazzi, Giuseppe, active 18th century, author.; Marefoschi, Mario Compagnoni, 1714-1780.; Phillipps, Thomas, Sir, 1792-1872, former owner.; Catholic Church. Pope (1740-1758 : Benedict XIV); Catholic Church. Pope (1277-1280 : Nicholas III); Catholic Church. Pope (1605-1621 : Paul V); Catholic Church. Pope (1655-1667 : Alexander VII); University of California, Berkeley. Manuscript. MS 206. Robbins Collection.
Robbins MS 206
Available at Robbins cage
Corporate Author
Riti Capitolo S. Pietro Confraternite : manuscript.
Added Author
Added Corporate Author
Italy, between 1739 and 1764?
1 volume (281 leaves) : paper ; 29 x 21 cm or smaller bound to 30 x 23 cm
A collection of manuscripts concerning the canons of St. Peter's Basilica, the Curia, papal consistories, Jansenism, ecclesiastical finances, clerics, and clerical discipline. . It includes "Dispentatione sopr l. onoratio della messa opem esamina[?] e apparuata da diversi dottori, 1748 in 4"; a list of ecclesiastical councils; "Esposizne. di qual chè id en naturale sopra il valore ed effetti del S. Sani[f?]icio de la messa"; a decree issued by Benedict XIV in 1753; an oath made during Benedict XIV's papacy; "Ossservazioni sopra un voto del venerabile Cardinale Tomasi, che riguarda il formulario d. Alessandro VII. nella causa del Giansenismo"; "Breviculus: Controversiae super formulari Alexander. VII in causa Janseniana"; a detailed record of carindals' opinions and decisions beginning from 1748, with marginal notations and references; "Alla sagra Congregazione de Riti la chiésa parrochiale di S. Niccolo della Città di Willa, territorio di S. Gallo"; "Il consistoro arcivescovile di Salisburg"; "Memoria [?] cetto de music, della sacrosanta Basilica Vaticana"; "Memoria & li Sig.li accoliti beneficatio della Basilica Vaticana sul punta, se alcuna di soro debbo stare genuflesso nell'atto di sostenere il libro all'em[inentissim]o Archiprete di essa Basilica, mentre questio recita i Salmi & la preparazione alla messa solenne, che stà & cantare"; "Spiren. canonicatus"; two copies of "Votum in causa spiren. Canonicatus" concerning the discipline of one Joannes Jacobus Duras of the diocese of Speyer; brief extracts from different volumes of the Esposizioni sulla dottrina cristiana with page numbers; "Ex libro decretorum capitularium anni 1560"; extracts from bulls of Popes Nicholas III and Paul V, Alexander VII's book of visitations, and the Decretorum capitularium; "Riflessioni fatta nella revisione generale de Conti: degli anni 1761 e 1762, Giugno 1764"; two printed texts; "Quantunque non fosse duopo l'esporre..."; "Dote Bonafede di [symbol] so: confenta dalla ven[era]ble archicon. della morte, ed orazione di Roma, dall'anno 1609 atto. l'anno 1758"; "Particola del testamento del qm. Valerio Bonafede"; "Debitori della veri. archa. della sagre. stimmade di S. Francesco di Roma in essere à tutto li. 2 Ottobre 1757"; "Particola del testimento del Bm. Bartolomeo Lupardi" ; "Tenore delle risolutioni presse nelli longressi economici ed approuicite dalla nostra long. segreta"; and a letter from Giuseppe Agazzi, carmelengo of the Church of S. Barbara Librari, to Cardinal Spinelli.
Ms. codex.
Title transcribed from title page.
Collation: Paper (various watermarks), ii + 281 + i; 1¹⁴ 2² 3¹⁰ 4² 5¹² 6⁸ 7¹⁴ 8¹ 9-10² 11-12⁶ 13² 14⁸⁽⁺̓⁷⁸⁾ 15⁸ 16-20⁶·² 21-22⁴ 23⁶ 24¹⁰ 25² 26-27⁴ 28² 29¹⁶ 30-31¹⁴ 32⁸ 33⁶ 34⁸ 35¹⁴ 36-37⁴ 38² 39² 40⁴ 41⁶ 42⁴ 43⁸ 44-45⁴ 46². Quire 1 is foliated 1-10 and 10-13; quire 2, 14-15; quire 3, 16-25; quire 5, 26-37; quire 6, 38-44; and quire 43 is paginated 1-13. Leaf 63 is damaged. Quires 38 and 39 contain print materials.
Script: Written in cursive, semi-cursive, and bookhand by multiple hands.
Origin: Written in Italy during the mid- to late-eighteenth century.
Shelfmark: Berkeley, CA, the Robbins Collection, UC Berkeley School of Law, Robbins MS 206.
Title transcribed from title page.
Collation: Paper (various watermarks), ii + 281 + i; 1¹⁴ 2² 3¹⁰ 4² 5¹² 6⁸ 7¹⁴ 8¹ 9-10² 11-12⁶ 13² 14⁸⁽⁺̓⁷⁸⁾ 15⁸ 16-20⁶·² 21-22⁴ 23⁶ 24¹⁰ 25² 26-27⁴ 28² 29¹⁶ 30-31¹⁴ 32⁸ 33⁶ 34⁸ 35¹⁴ 36-37⁴ 38² 39² 40⁴ 41⁶ 42⁴ 43⁸ 44-45⁴ 46². Quire 1 is foliated 1-10 and 10-13; quire 2, 14-15; quire 3, 16-25; quire 5, 26-37; quire 6, 38-44; and quire 43 is paginated 1-13. Leaf 63 is damaged. Quires 38 and 39 contain print materials.
Script: Written in cursive, semi-cursive, and bookhand by multiple hands.
Origin: Written in Italy during the mid- to late-eighteenth century.
Shelfmark: Berkeley, CA, the Robbins Collection, UC Berkeley School of Law, Robbins MS 206.
Language Note
In Italian and Latin.
Indexed In
Phillipps, T. Phillipps Manuscripts, 7270.
Formerly in the collection of Sir Thomas Phillipps. Phillipps label, "7270" on spine and "7270 Ph." inscribed in pencil on upper pastedown, along with "893/ 1/1/10." May also have been in the possession of Mario Marefoschi.
Binding Information
Bound in vellum, entact ties. Faded inscription on spine, "Goiti. Cap[itu]lo S. Pietro; confraternie M.S.", Phillipps label affixed and CC[XX] inscribed at base of spine.
RBCAG Robbins MS 206
Access Note
Restrictions: Inquiries concerning this item should be directed to the reference librarian for the Robbins Collection.
Alternate Title
Esposizioni sulla dottrina cristiana.
Call Number
Robbins MS 206
Record Appears in