Instruments of land policy : dealing with scarcity of land / Jean-David Gerber, Thomas Hartmann, and Andreas Hengstermann.
K3531 .G47 2018 (Mapit)
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Instruments of land policy : dealing with scarcity of land / Jean-David Gerber, Thomas Hartmann, and Andreas Hengstermann.
Added Author
Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2018.
ix, 360 pages ; 25 cm.
Urban planning and environment.
Formatted Contents Note
Foreword / Rachelle Alterman
Introduction. Land, scarcity, and property rights / Thomas Hartmann and Jean-David Gerber
Land policy: how to deal with scarcity of land / Jean-David Gerber, Andreas Hengstermann, and François-Xavier Viallon
Instruments of land policy: four types of intervention / Andreas Hengstermann and Thomas Hartmann
Regulating land uses without impacting property rights. Reference land values in Germany: land policy by market transparency / Winrich Voß and Jörn Bannert
A Swedish perspective on reference land values : transparency by tax policy / Thomas Kalbro and Leif Norell
A Taiwan perspective on reference land values: the hare and the hedgehogs - chasing real price levels with public market information / Tzuyuan Stessa Chao
Added value capturing in Switzerland: how much is enough ? / Fransçois-Xavier Viallon
A Dutch perspective on added value capture: how far can you go? / Erwin Van Der Krabben
A British perspective on added value capture: ups and downs during its history / Janet Askew
Land taxation in Estonia: an efficient instrument of land policy for scarcity, equity, and ecology / Fabian Thiel and Fabian Wenner
A German perspective on land taxation: political inertia and debates on social and distributional aspects / Dirk Löhr
A British perspective on land taxation: politically unpopular / Antonia Layard
Steering land uses through regulation impacting property rights. Negotiated land use plans in the Netherlands: a central instrumnet in Dutch 'active' and 'passive' land policy / Joost Tennekes
An Austrian perspective on negotiated land use plans: a means for municipalities to mobilise building and land / Alois Humer
- A Canadian perspective on negotiated land use plans : discretionary zoning in Vancouver / Marko Marskamp
Urban growth boundary in the U.S.: managing land scarcity in the Portland region / Edward J. Sullivan
A Dutch perspective on urban growth boundaries: from containing to stimulating growth / Leonie Janssen-Jansen and Wendy Tan
A German perspective on urban growth boundaries: the answer of comprehensive regional planning / Martin Wickel
Land readjustment in Portugal : theoretically attractive but eternally postponed in practice / Beatriz Condessa, Ana Morais De Sá, Joana Almeida, and José Antunes Ferreira
A German perspective on land readjustment: a proper instrument of modern urban governance for efficient land use / Theo Kötter
A Dutch perspective on land readjustment: low practicability without mandatory legislation / Sanne Holtslag-Broekhof
Building obligations in Switzerland: overcoming the passivity of plan implementation / Andreas Hengstermann
A German perspective on building obligations: planning professionals try to remember / Michael Kolocek
A U.S. perspective on obligations to build: planning professionals would be shocked / Harvey M. Jacobs
Redefining property rights to steer land uses. Pre-emption rights in France: disputes over pre-emptions and the 'land scarcity' / Romain Melot
A Swiss perspective on pre-emption rights: impact without application / Stéphane Nahrath
A Serbian perspective on pre-emption rights: change that was necessary / Sofija Nikolić
Tradable development rights in the U.S.: making zoning flexible through market mechanisms / Thomas Skuzinski and Evangeline R. Linkous
An Israeli perspective on TDR: trading for protecting / Nir Mualam
A Canadian perspective on TDR: you call that a 'market'? / Eran S. Kaplinsky
Long-term land leases in France: an instrument to address scarcity of social housing / Sonia Guelton and Vincent Le Rouzic
A Swiss perspective on time-limited property rights: strategic use for active land policy / Jean-David Gerber
An Australian perspective on heritable building rights: paramount property rights / Rebecca Leshinsky
Redistributing property rights to steer land uses. Strategic land banking in the Netherlands: experiencing Dutch dilemmas / Tejo Spit
A British perspective on strategic land banking : critical voices on land banking / Deborah Peel
A U.S. perspective on land banking : just not the American way / Richard K. Norton
Expropriation for urban development purposes in Germany: consider very carefully before using it / Juliane Albrecht
A Dutch perspective on expropriation: the pragmatic way / Barrie Needham
A U.S. perspective on expropriation: a radically different view / Dan Tarlock
Nationalization of land in Scotland: private property and the public interest / Greg Llyod
A Czech perspective on nationalization of land: the post-socialist view / Jirina Jilova
A Greek perspective on nationalization of land: kilt and fustanella - same principle, different colours / Konstantinos Lalenis
Conclusion. Planning with or against property rights / JEan-David GErber, Thomas Hartmann, Andreas Henstermann.
Introduction. Land, scarcity, and property rights / Thomas Hartmann and Jean-David Gerber
Land policy: how to deal with scarcity of land / Jean-David Gerber, Andreas Hengstermann, and François-Xavier Viallon
Instruments of land policy: four types of intervention / Andreas Hengstermann and Thomas Hartmann
Regulating land uses without impacting property rights. Reference land values in Germany: land policy by market transparency / Winrich Voß and Jörn Bannert
A Swedish perspective on reference land values : transparency by tax policy / Thomas Kalbro and Leif Norell
A Taiwan perspective on reference land values: the hare and the hedgehogs - chasing real price levels with public market information / Tzuyuan Stessa Chao
Added value capturing in Switzerland: how much is enough ? / Fransçois-Xavier Viallon
A Dutch perspective on added value capture: how far can you go? / Erwin Van Der Krabben
A British perspective on added value capture: ups and downs during its history / Janet Askew
Land taxation in Estonia: an efficient instrument of land policy for scarcity, equity, and ecology / Fabian Thiel and Fabian Wenner
A German perspective on land taxation: political inertia and debates on social and distributional aspects / Dirk Löhr
A British perspective on land taxation: politically unpopular / Antonia Layard
Steering land uses through regulation impacting property rights. Negotiated land use plans in the Netherlands: a central instrumnet in Dutch 'active' and 'passive' land policy / Joost Tennekes
An Austrian perspective on negotiated land use plans: a means for municipalities to mobilise building and land / Alois Humer
- A Canadian perspective on negotiated land use plans : discretionary zoning in Vancouver / Marko Marskamp
Urban growth boundary in the U.S.: managing land scarcity in the Portland region / Edward J. Sullivan
A Dutch perspective on urban growth boundaries: from containing to stimulating growth / Leonie Janssen-Jansen and Wendy Tan
A German perspective on urban growth boundaries: the answer of comprehensive regional planning / Martin Wickel
Land readjustment in Portugal : theoretically attractive but eternally postponed in practice / Beatriz Condessa, Ana Morais De Sá, Joana Almeida, and José Antunes Ferreira
A German perspective on land readjustment: a proper instrument of modern urban governance for efficient land use / Theo Kötter
A Dutch perspective on land readjustment: low practicability without mandatory legislation / Sanne Holtslag-Broekhof
Building obligations in Switzerland: overcoming the passivity of plan implementation / Andreas Hengstermann
A German perspective on building obligations: planning professionals try to remember / Michael Kolocek
A U.S. perspective on obligations to build: planning professionals would be shocked / Harvey M. Jacobs
Redefining property rights to steer land uses. Pre-emption rights in France: disputes over pre-emptions and the 'land scarcity' / Romain Melot
A Swiss perspective on pre-emption rights: impact without application / Stéphane Nahrath
A Serbian perspective on pre-emption rights: change that was necessary / Sofija Nikolić
Tradable development rights in the U.S.: making zoning flexible through market mechanisms / Thomas Skuzinski and Evangeline R. Linkous
An Israeli perspective on TDR: trading for protecting / Nir Mualam
A Canadian perspective on TDR: you call that a 'market'? / Eran S. Kaplinsky
Long-term land leases in France: an instrument to address scarcity of social housing / Sonia Guelton and Vincent Le Rouzic
A Swiss perspective on time-limited property rights: strategic use for active land policy / Jean-David Gerber
An Australian perspective on heritable building rights: paramount property rights / Rebecca Leshinsky
Redistributing property rights to steer land uses. Strategic land banking in the Netherlands: experiencing Dutch dilemmas / Tejo Spit
A British perspective on strategic land banking : critical voices on land banking / Deborah Peel
A U.S. perspective on land banking : just not the American way / Richard K. Norton
Expropriation for urban development purposes in Germany: consider very carefully before using it / Juliane Albrecht
A Dutch perspective on expropriation: the pragmatic way / Barrie Needham
A U.S. perspective on expropriation: a radically different view / Dan Tarlock
Nationalization of land in Scotland: private property and the public interest / Greg Llyod
A Czech perspective on nationalization of land: the post-socialist view / Jirina Jilova
A Greek perspective on nationalization of land: kilt and fustanella - same principle, different colours / Konstantinos Lalenis
Conclusion. Planning with or against property rights / JEan-David GErber, Thomas Hartmann, Andreas Henstermann.
Bibliography, etc. Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Call Number
K3531 .G47 2018
9781138201514 hardcover
1138201510 hardcover
9781315511658 electronic book
1138201510 hardcover
9781315511658 electronic book
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