Humanitarian Intervention as an exception to the prohibition on the use of force / Petra Zvržina.
KZ6369 .Z87 2017 (Mapit)
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Humanitarian Intervention as an exception to the prohibition on the use of force / Petra Zvržina.
Oisterwijk, The Netherlands : Wolf Legal Publishers, [2017]
755 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Formatted Contents Note
World Summit Outcome Resolution, A/RES/60/1, 25 October 2005
Case Concerning Military and Paramilitary Activities In and Against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. US) (1986) ICJ Reports
Charter of the United Nations, 1945
Draft Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, with commentaries, 2001
Human Rights Watch: World Report 2000 accessed 20 March 2017
ICISS Report 2001 accessed 20 March 2017
Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Fourth Report, June 2000> accessed 20 March 2017
UN SC Resolution, S/RES/83 [complaint of aggression upon the Repubhc of Korea], 27 June 1950
UN SC Resolution, S/RES/678 [on the situation between Iraq and Kuwait], 29 November 1990
UN SC Resolution, S/RES/687 [on the situation between Iraq and Kuwait], 3 April 1991
UN SC Resolution, S/RES/688 [Iraq], 5 April 1991
UNSC Resolution, S/RES/1160 [Kosovo], 31 March 1998
UN SC Resolution, S/RES/1199 [Kosovo], 23 September 1998
UN SC Resolution, S/RES/1203 [Kosovo], 24 October 1999
UN SC Resolution, S/RES/1970 [on estabhshment of a Security Council Committee to monitor implementation of the arms embargo against the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya], 26 February 2011
UN SC Resolution, S/RES/1973 [on the situation in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya], 17 March 2011
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, 1969.
Case Concerning Military and Paramilitary Activities In and Against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. US) (1986) ICJ Reports
Charter of the United Nations, 1945
Draft Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, with commentaries, 2001
Human Rights Watch: World Report 2000
ICISS Report 2001
Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Fourth Report, June 2000> accessed 20 March 2017
UN SC Resolution, S/RES/83 [complaint of aggression upon the Repubhc of Korea], 27 June 1950
UN SC Resolution, S/RES/678 [on the situation between Iraq and Kuwait], 29 November 1990
UN SC Resolution, S/RES/687 [on the situation between Iraq and Kuwait], 3 April 1991
UN SC Resolution, S/RES/688 [Iraq], 5 April 1991
UNSC Resolution, S/RES/1160 [Kosovo], 31 March 1998
UN SC Resolution, S/RES/1199 [Kosovo], 23 September 1998
UN SC Resolution, S/RES/1203 [Kosovo], 24 October 1999
UN SC Resolution, S/RES/1970 [on estabhshment of a Security Council Committee to monitor implementation of the arms embargo against the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya], 26 February 2011
UN SC Resolution, S/RES/1973 [on the situation in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya], 17 March 2011
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, 1969.
"The core objective of the United Nations is to strive towards peace and security in international community. Recent flows of refugees to Europe have led to wonder how the international community could help both people facing abuses of their fundamental rights, and also European countries to which they are immigrating. However, since 1945, the use of force has been prohibited with no mention of interventions for humanitarian purposes. The question remains, when unauthorised humanitarian intervention as a last resort measure can be justified in a world of jus cogens prohibition of the use of force."--Back cover.
"The core objective of the United Nations is to strive towards peace and security in international community. Recent flows of refugees to Europe have led to wonder how the international community could help both people facing abuses of their fundamental rights, and also European countries to which they are immigrating. However, since 1945, the use of force has been prohibited with no mention of interventions for humanitarian purposes. The question remains, when unauthorised humanitarian intervention as a last resort measure can be justified in a world of jus cogens prohibition of the use of force."--Back cover.
Bibliography, etc. Note
Includes bibliographical references (pages 37-40).
Call Number
KZ6369 .Z87 2017
9789462403963 (paperback)
9462403961 (paperback)
9462403961 (paperback)
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