How far to nudge? assessing behavioural public policy / Peter John.
K487.P6 .J64 2018 (Mapit)
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How far to nudge? assessing behavioural public policy / Peter John.
Cheltenham, UK ; Northamption, MA : Edward Elgar, 2018.
xi, 173 pages ; 24 cm
Formatted Contents Note
Behavioural public problems
The behavioural revolution in the social sciences
Nudge: all tools are informational now
Translating nudge into practice: routes to innovation
Is nudge all it's cracked up to be? Limitations and criticisms
The ethics of nudge
Nudge plus and how to get there
Accessing behavioural public policy.
Behavioural public problems
The behavioural revolution in the social sciences
Nudge: all tools are informational now
Translating nudge into practice: routes to innovation
Is nudge all it's cracked up to be? Limitations and criticisms
The ethics of nudge
Nudge plus and how to get there
Accessing behavioural public policy.
This book addresses the wave of innovation and reforms that has been called the nudge or behavioural public policy agenda, which has emerged in many countries since the mid-2000s. Nudge involves developing behavioural insights to solve complex policy problems, such as unemployment, obesity and the environment, as well as improving the delivery of policies by reforming standard operating procedures. It reviews the changes that have taken place, in particular the greater use of randomised evaluations, and discusses how far nudge can be used more generally in the policy process. The book argues that nudge has a radical future if it develops a more bottom up approach involving greater feedback and more engagement with citizens.-- Provided by Publisher.
Bibliography, etc. Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Call Number
K487.P6 .J64 2018
1786430568 (paperback)
9781786430564 (paperback)
9781786430540 (hardback)
1786430541 (hardback)
9781786430564 (paperback)
9781786430540 (hardback)
1786430541 (hardback)
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