Formularium pro fideiussione : manuscript.
Robbins MS 202A
Available at Robbins cage
Formularium pro fideiussione : manuscript.
Added Corporate Author
Italy?, between approximately 1700 and 1750?
1 item (14 leaves): paper ; 21 x 15 cm + 7 leaves (paper ; 29 x 20 cm or smaller)
A formulary for sureties, which cites Francisco Pegna and Eliseo Masini, with leaves laid-in between fol. 2 and 3. The formulary seems intended specifically for use by the Congregatio Sancti Officii. It also includes a "Pro exhibitione copiae processus." Laid-in materials include a bifolium, titled "Taxa pro cancelario seu n[ost]ro off[ic]i" which lists the fees charged for the issuance of different documents; a leaf headed "An sciat d[e]" which concerns sentences issued for heresy; a folded leaf headed "Die 3", which deals with witnesses at the Church of the Capuchin fathers in Mantua in 1746; and three fragments. Laid-in gathering removed from Robbins MS 202.
Ms. gathering.
Caption title.
Collation: Paper (Armoires, not in Briquet), fol. 14; 1¹⁴ (leaves 11 and 10 unopened; leaf 14 blank).
Script: Written in cursive by two hands.
Origin: Written in Italy, most likely during the early eighteenth century.
Shelfmark: Berkeley, CA, the Robbins Collection, UC Berkeley School of Law, Robbins MS 202A.
Caption title.
Collation: Paper (Armoires, not in Briquet), fol. 14; 1¹⁴ (leaves 11 and 10 unopened; leaf 14 blank).
Script: Written in cursive by two hands.
Origin: Written in Italy, most likely during the early eighteenth century.
Shelfmark: Berkeley, CA, the Robbins Collection, UC Berkeley School of Law, Robbins MS 202A.
Language Note
In Latin.
Indexed In
Phillipps, T. Phillipps manuscripts, 6099.
Formerly in the collection of Sir Thomas Phillipps.
Binding Information
Bound in red paper wrappers, much faded.
RBCAG Robbins MS 202A
Related Item
Was contained in (work): Prattica per formare un processo secondo l'uso del Sant'Officio. Italy, between approximately 1700 and 1725?
Access Note
Restrictions: Inquiries concerning this item should be directed to the reference librarian for the Robbins Collection.
Call Number
Robbins MS 202A
Record Appears in