Theory and practice of the European Convention on Human Rights / edited by Pieter van Dijk, Fried van Hoof, Arjen van Rijn, Leo Zwaak.
KJC5132 .T54 2018 (Mapit)
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Theory and practice of the European Convention on Human Rights / edited by Pieter van Dijk, Fried van Hoof, Arjen van Rijn, Leo Zwaak.
Added Author
Fifth edition.
Cambridge ; Antwerp ; Portland : Intersentia, [2018]
xvii, 1230 pages ; 25 cm
Formatted Contents Note
1. General survey of the Convention
2. Procedure before the Court
3. Supervision
4. System of restrictions
5. Relationship between the Convention and the EU
6. Right to life
7. Prohibition of torture and other inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
8. Prohibition of slavery and forced labour
9. Right to liberty and security
10. Right to a fair trial
11. No punishment without law
12. Right to respect for private and family life
13. Freedom of thought, conscience and religion
14. Freedom of expression
15. Freedom of assembly and association
16. Right to marry
17. Protection of property
18. Right to education
19. Right to free elections
20. Prohibition of imprisonment for debt
21. Freedom of movement
22. Prohibition of expulsion of nationals
23. Prohibition of collective expulsion of aliens
24. Abolition of the death penalty
25. Procedural safeguards relating to expulsion of aliens
26. Right to appeal in criminal matters
27. Compensation for wrongful conviction
28. Right not to be tried or punished twice
29. Equality between spouses
30. Prohibition of discrimination
31. Abolition of the death penalty in time of war
32. Right to an effective remedy
33. Derogation in time of emergency
34. Restrictions on political activity of aliens
35. Prohibition of the abuse of rights
36. Prohibition of the misuse of power
37. Reservations.
2. Procedure before the Court
3. Supervision
4. System of restrictions
5. Relationship between the Convention and the EU
6. Right to life
7. Prohibition of torture and other inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
8. Prohibition of slavery and forced labour
9. Right to liberty and security
10. Right to a fair trial
11. No punishment without law
12. Right to respect for private and family life
13. Freedom of thought, conscience and religion
14. Freedom of expression
15. Freedom of assembly and association
16. Right to marry
17. Protection of property
18. Right to education
19. Right to free elections
20. Prohibition of imprisonment for debt
21. Freedom of movement
22. Prohibition of expulsion of nationals
23. Prohibition of collective expulsion of aliens
24. Abolition of the death penalty
25. Procedural safeguards relating to expulsion of aliens
26. Right to appeal in criminal matters
27. Compensation for wrongful conviction
28. Right not to be tried or punished twice
29. Equality between spouses
30. Prohibition of discrimination
31. Abolition of the death penalty in time of war
32. Right to an effective remedy
33. Derogation in time of emergency
34. Restrictions on political activity of aliens
35. Prohibition of the abuse of rights
36. Prohibition of the misuse of power
37. Reservations.
"Since the first edition of Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights forty years ago, this book has become the leading reference in the field of human rights in Europe. It provides a systematic and comprehensive overview of the functioning of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and its application by the European Court of Human Rights. With Protocol No. 14 entering into force on 1 June 2010, the protection of human rights in Europe and the case law of the Court have seen a dynamic development during the last decade. A completely new edition of Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights was thus very much needed" -- Publisher's website.
"With contributions by Yutaka Arai, Sjoerd Bakker, Tom Barkhuysen, Hemme Battjes, Maya Beeler-Sigron, Edwin Bleichrodt, Hansko Broeksteeg, Antoine Buyse, Karin de Vries, Masha Fedorova, Cees Flinterman, Janneke Gerards, Yves Haeck, Clara Burbano Herrera, Oswald Jansen, Laurens Lavrysen, Koen Lemmens, Joachim Meese, Stefan Sottiaux, Frederik Swennen, Bas van Bockel, Michiel van Emmerik, Arjen van Rijn, Marjolein van Roosmalen, Ben Vermeulen, Cornelis Wouters and Leo Zwaak" -- Publisher's website.
Bibliography, etc. Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Other Editions
Revision of: Theory and practice of the European Convention on Human Rights. 4th ed. Antwerpen : Intersentia ; Holmes Beach, Fla. : Gaunt Inc., distribution for North America, ©2006
Call Number
KJC5132 .T54 2018
9781780684949 (paperback)
1780684940 (paperback)
9781780684932 (hardback)
1780684932 (hardback)
1780684940 (paperback)
9781780684932 (hardback)
1780684932 (hardback)
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